- The museum uses smells and smoke generators to create atmosphere. 博物馆利用气味和烟雾发生器制造气氛。
- MKM-PS27ER: Smoke Generator with external fluid pumping facility. 烟雾发生器与外部流体抽水设施进口型号:MKM-PS27ER---
- Beijing Kangcheng Hongye Generating Equipment Co., Ltd uder the Hong Kong Yinpeng Group i... 供应出售租赁柴油发电机组,维修柴油发电机组[2008-4-115:40:00]面议北京
- With the ongoing development and improvement of its technological know-how, internal combustion generating equipment will see a great market potential. 随着其技术水平的不断发展和完善,内燃发电设备的市场将大有可为。
- The project is to build thermoelectricity plant using straw materials, the advanced bioelectric genesis technology and introduced generating equipment. 该项目利用玉米、小麦农作物秸杆做原材料,采用生物发电新技术,引进秸杆发电设备,建设热电厂。秸杆发电可实现农作物秸杆的资源化、无害化、减少秸杆堆放或焚烧对市容市貌和大气质量的破坏。
- Mitsui Babcock Energy Limited is one of the world leaders in the supply of generating equipment for coal-fired power stations, which headquartered in United Kingdom. 三井巴布科克能源有限公司是为燃煤电站供应发电设备的世界领导者,总部设立在英国。
- Doosan Babcock Energy Limited is one of the world leaders in the supply of generating equipment for coal-fired power stations, which headquartered in United Kingdom. 斗山巴布科克能源有限公司是为燃煤电站供给发电设备的世界领导者之一,总部设立在英国。
- A smoke generator of DDVP intubate is made up of two parts, a hot supply and a main-pesticide. 敌敌畏插管烟雾剂是由供热剂和主剂两部分组成,它是一种新加工制剂。
- Article2 The regulations are eligible to be applied to all power facilities including power generating equipment, power transforming equipment and power transmission lines and their related ancillary equipment( the same below). 第三条电力设施的保护,实行电力管理部门、安部门、力企业和人民群众相结合的原则。
- Methods Five methods were used for killing Blattella germanica in five places of storied building,that were smoke generator,gel bat,resi dual spraying,daubing and putting granule. 方法在商住楼内5个单元分别采用烟剂、胶饵、滞留喷洒、涂抹和投放颗粒剂5种方法处理,灭蟑效果采用粘纸法测定;
- The result shows that the temperature of the smoke generator from the fire in the large space building is rather low, and the smoke subsides easily and mingles with air. 结果表明,在大空间火灾中生成的烟气温度比较低,很容易发生沉降及与空气混合。
- Yayi Ma volcano this year on January 1 eruption, the smoke generated up to more than 1000 meters, the magma eruption was formed more than 2500 meters long lava flow. 亚伊玛火山曾于今年1月1日喷发,产生的浓烟高达1000多米,喷发出的岩浆形成了2500多米长的熔岩流。
- Technical support for the modification or upgrading test of general equipment of the model. 负责该车型通用设备的改造或升级调试的技术支持。
- Clean general equipments in packinghouse and other food factory. 适用于肉禽类加工厂及其它食品加工厂的设备清洗。
- This document describes general equipment used in switching power supply testing and their characteristics. 此文件描述一般开关电源供应器的测试仪器及其特性.
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
- It is understood that MCD company uses half of the electrical energy from wind power generation equipment. 据了解,MCD公司使用的电能有一半都来自风力发电装置。
- The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。