- smoking cessation relapse 戒烟失败
- Keywords: Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT); Psychological and behavior intervention; Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire (FTQ); Self-reported smoking cessation; Withdrawal rate; Relapse rate. 关键词:尼古丁替代治疗(NRT);心理行为干预;戒断率;复吸率。
- How effective is laser therapy for smoking cessation? 激光戒断烟瘾的效果如何?
- Citalopram and escitalopram have no known effect in smoking cessation. 西酞普兰和依他普仑对戒烟的效果尚不知道。
- Seidman, a Manhattan psychologist who specializes in smoking cessation. 不要做出下意识的反应。”
- Arrange smoking cessation advice in smokers contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption. 为打算减少或停止烟草消耗吸烟者中提供戒烟建议。
- A series of talks will be organized to introduce methods for smoking cessation, as well as cession services available at school and the community. 本讲座将介绍吸烟对健康的影响,有效的戒烟方法,与及校内以至社区内可供使用的戒烟资源。
- For smokers including Smoking Cessation Hotline and Smoking Cessation Programme. 包括戒烟热线及戒烟计划。
- Lifestyle modifications to control risk factors, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and smoking cessation. 生活方式的改进以控制危险因素,包括有规律的锻炼,适当的营养,和终止吸烟。
- Depression may also lead to early addictive smoking, and recurrent depression impedes smoking cessation attempts. 抑郁也可能导致更早有烟瘾。反复的抑郁妨碍了戒烟的尝试。
- In women who are not pregnant, bupropion is approved for the treatment of smoking cessation and depression. 安非他酮作为抗抑郁症药物称为威博隽,作为戒烟药物称为耐烟盼。
- Objective To assess the effect of a group intervention on smoking cessation based on social cognitive theory. 目的评价社会认知理论指导下的"我能戒烟"小组式戒烟方法的长期效果。
- Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Timing of First Marriage and Smoking Cessation Weden, Margaret; Kimbro, Rachel Tolbert p. 初婚时间选择与戒烟行为在种族和族裔方面的差异性。
- Objective To explore the smoking habits and the risk factors, and to provide evidence for the school smoking cessation plan. 摘要目的探讨卫校职教生的吸烟习惯及危险因素,为学校控烟健康教育提供依据。
- Large number of clinical verifications has demonstrated that success rate of smoking cessation can be enhanced by one times due to this therapy. 经大量临床验正,尼古丁替代疗法可使戒烟的成功率提高一倍。
- It was originally used for smoking cessation but they soon found it could be a transferrable model used for making changes in any area of your life. 最初用于戒烟,但他们很快就发现它可能是转让模型用于制造任何改变你的生活领域。
- Objective To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with auricular point sticking and pressing for smoking cessation. 目的:观察针刺配合耳压疗法戒烟的疗效。方法:针刺取体穴:戒烟穴(桡骨茎突上方2横指)、神门、中脘、足三里、三阴交。
- The smoking cessation aid bupropion may help smokers hospitalized with acute cardioascular disease (CD) quit, research suggests. 研究表明:戒烟药物丁氨苯丙酮急性心血管病住院患者戒烟。
- Objective To investigate smoking prevalence and relative knowledge among college students, and to provide scientific evidence for smoking cessation. 目的了解在校大学生吸烟现状和相关知识知晓情况,为开展控烟工作提供科学依据。
- If bupropion is found to be more effective for smoking cessation than sertraline, the investigators plan to repeat the trials in non-depressed pregnant women. 如果安非他酮在戒烟上确实比舍曲林更为有效,研究者计划在无抑郁症的孕妇中重复该项试验。