- He was asked to smooth things over between them. 他被请来给他们调解纠纷。
- He mad a great effort to smooth things over. 为使事情好转,他做了很大的努力。
- This quest to smooth things over peacefully failed. 平息事态的努力失败了。
- Now it was too late to smooth things over, even if he wanted to. 现在即使他想息事宁人,也为时太晚了。
- She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over. 她和争执双方谈话,试图进行调解。
- We are trying to smooth things over the banner, argue that they do not want to let up. 我们尽力打着圆场,不想让她们再吵起来。
- Ex.:Lao Mao has an irascible temperament and offends people easily. If his wife is not there to smooth things over, he will be really lost at what to do. 例:老毛这个人就是太急,说话老得罪人,如果不是他夫人打圆场,他可真不知道怎么办了。
- Zhaozhuren immediately stand up to smooth things over: we are all brothers, not to say that, To celebrate our big brother on the CCTV news, we Drink up. 赵主任马上站起来打圆场:大家都是自己人,就不多说了,来,为了庆祝我们大哥上了央视新闻,大家干一杯。
- Lu Qing see the old horse a bit embarrassing to go to smooth things over: I spoiled my daughter was very choosy food, and you can never Biejianguai Chairman. 陆青见老马有点尴尬,忙圆场:我这个女儿被我惯坏了,很挑食的,马主席您可千万别见怪。
- Smoothing things over is practically a profession to mothers of families. 息事宁人可说是家庭主妇的专职。
- I'll try to smooth things over. 我会尽力使事情得到改善。
- Ll try to smooth things over. 我会妥善处理;
- The thing go on more smooth than our imagines. 事情进行得比我们想象的更顺利。
- I'll try to smooth thing over. 我会努力从中斡旋。
- I've been very pleased with how smoothly things have gone. Hope you can keep up the good work. 事情这么顺利使我感到很满意,希望你可以再接再厉。
- It took him long time to smooth away perplexities. 他花了好长时间才消除了困惑。
- Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry. 她的温柔的神情似乎消除了他的忧虑。
- The woman was willing to admit to her colleagues that what she did was wrong, which smoothed things over. 她主动向他们承认错误,才使事情得以化解。
- Breathalyzer The woman was willing to admit to her colleagues that what she did was wrong, which smoothed things over. 她主动向他们承认错误,才使事情得以化解。
- Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water. 岩石由于水的作用而变得光滑。