- He snatched up his gun and fired. 他突然拿起枪来射击。
- At many venues' media centers, volunteers far outnumbered journalists, and security guards would wander in to snatch up all the uneaten snacks. 在许多场地的媒体中心,志工数量远超过记者,安全警卫可能想抓住所有未吃的点心。
- State property being sacred and inviolable, no organization or individual may misappropriate, snatch up en masse, illicitly allocate, intercept, or undermine it. 国家财产神圣不可侵犯,禁止任何组织或者个人侵占、哄抢、私分、截留、破坏。
- The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。
- The man snatched up a club and struck at me. 那个男人一把抓起棍子打我。
- Gordon snatched up his jacket and left the room. 戈登一把抓起上衣,出了房间。
- A good thing is soon snatched up. 好货卖得快。
- A hawk snatched up a rabbit from the grass. 老鹰从草地上抓起一只兔子。
- He snatched up the vase before it dropoped. 他在花瓶掉下来之前一把抓住了它。
- The intruder lunged at Stevens with a knife; Stevens snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向史蒂文斯刺去; 史蒂文斯急忙抓起一只公事皮包抵挡。
- To snatch up hastily. 快速地抓起
- Sitting at the tavern amidst the clatter of ninepins and the laughter of the drinkers, he would suddenly snatch up a menu and dash off upon the back of it a melody that bubbled like wine out of his overflowing heart. 坐在小酒店里,在九柱戏的哗啦声和酒鬼们的大笑声中,他会突然抓过一张菜单,在背面飞快地写下一支美酒似地从他满溢的心田里涌现出来的旋律。
- She snatched up the child and run to a safety place. 她抓起孩子跑到安全地方。
- Having read the instructions,he snatched up the fire extinguishers. 看完了说明书,他拿起了灭火器。
- He snatched up his coat and went downstairs quickly. 他抓起外套匆匆下楼。
- Yawning, groaning or screaming, they snatch up their clothes, shuffle into the wrong slippers by mistake, trample over their neighbours, and urinate noisily into a pot not a foot from one girl's head. 打呵欠,叹气,叫喊,找衣服,穿错了别人的鞋子,胡乱地踏在别人身上,在离开别人头部不到一尺的马桶上很响地小便。
- Quick as a wink, the lamemouse snatched up the precious talisman. 说时迟那时快,跛足的老鼠一把抓住宝贵的法宝。
- At the sound she leaped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet. 她一听这笑声便跳起来,抓起她的帽子。
- I must learn to snatch at every chance to meet him. 我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面。
- The fisherman snatched up the snake and robbed him of his worm. 钓鱼的人抓住小蛇,抢了它的虫子。