- The application of nano-zinc oxide in the tread and steel belt compounds of LT radial tire was investigated. 研究了纳米氧化锌在轻型载重子午线轮胎胎面胶及钢丝带束层胶料中的应用效果。
- The main products are stainless steel belt conveyors. 主要经营不锈钢带输送机。
- This paper discussed the compound mooney viscosity for belted tire and its moon affectingfactor and the control method. 本文就全钢胶料门尼粘度及其主要影响因素和控制措施进行了讨论。
- Application of Smoothwall Blasting Anchorage Steel Belt Concrete Spraying Support in Yixin Coal Comp. 光爆锚网索钢带喷碹支护在益新公司的应用。
- The unit is used for creel rooms of wire calender line and steel belt extruding line . 设备由本公司研制开发,主要用于钢丝压延生产线锭子房、钢丝带束挤出生产线锭子房。
- Roller blades apply to non-ferrous metals, steel belt, the Copperbelt, such as Aluminium rolling shear. 轧辊刀片适用于有色金属、钢带、铜带、铝带等轧制剪切。
- QAB,always used the high quality plywood as the raw materials,the jointing is the galvanized steel belt,and can be assembled or disassembled on site. 高级木制出口钢边箱是使用高品质的胶合板作为面板,采用镀锌钢带为连接件,可现场装配或拆卸的封闭的木箱。
- Bolt supporting is the main means for supporting in exacavating,and it may combined with steel belt,mesh,beam and rope to be use. 锚杆支护是煤矿巷道掘进过程中一种主要支护形式,可以与钢带、金属网、工字钢梁、锚索配合使用。
- Product families include tabletop conveyors, mat-style conveyors, stainless steel belt conveyors and the new plastic belt case conveyor line. 产品系列包括桌面传送带,垫式输送机,不锈钢带式输送机和新的塑料带输送线案件。
- Zhejiang yuyao hemudu multi-directional stainless steel belt Co., LTD mainly 304, 302, 301, 316, 202, J1-201, J4 such domestic stainless steel belt. 浙江余姚河姆渡多向不锈钢带有限公司 主营 304、302、301、316、202、201、J4-J1等国产不锈钢带。
- The method for the design and calcullation of the steel belt for a steel-belt ultralong stroke pumping unit is expounded summarily. 综述了钢带式超长冲程抽油装置用钢带的设计计算方法。
- This paper introduces the level meter selection procedure in Hangzhou Refinery,aswell as the application of steel belt level meter. 介绍了杭州炼油厂液位仪表的选择,以及钢带液位计的应用情况。
- Road-paving asphalt meeting the required specifications can be prepared by mixing coal tar with fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) bottoms and whole used tire, excluding steel belts, at proper ratios. 把煤焦油、流化催化裂化(FCC)重油和全旧轮胎(除去钢带)按合适的比例混合,就可得到符合规格要求的铺路沥青。
- Added to second stage will help tapes release from steel belt casting surfaces.Should avoid premixing with the binder as it can cause temporary binder precipitation. 加在第二阶段中;将有助于流延从钢带成形表面脱离.;应该避免和粘合剂预先混合;因为它会导致暂时性粘合剂沉淀
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside. 雪不均匀地散落在山腰上。
- The snow has frozen hard on the road. 路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。
- The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice. 人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。
- Is responsible for the cold rolling steel belt production craft, thequality control, the new variety development, as well as second phasedprojects equipment technical negotiations. 负责冷轧钢带生产工艺、品质管理、新品种开发,以及二期工程设备的技术谈判。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。