- There were patches of old snow under the crest. 山顶下星星点点还残存着积雪。
- They were snowed under with invitations to parties. 他们频频受邀参加宴会,疲于应付。
- She's last seen scurrying out into the snow under a holly bush. 所以,曼迪必须马上找到小仓鼠,否则她就会被冻死!
- All the fields are snowed under; the animals will have to feed indoors. 田野全被大雪覆盖了,牲畜只能在室内喂食。
- The doghouse was snowed under during the blizzard. 暴风雪袭击时,狗屋被雪覆盖了。
- I'm completely snowed under with work. 我给工作压得喘不过气来。
- Poor him, he is snowed under with work. 可怜的他已经处在工作重压下,忙得不可开交了。
- Given that a street light against the background in the snow under a hazy beauty. 街灯所给予的那一片光明在雪的映衬下有一种朦胧的美。
- Eg Arnold was really snowed under with work. 阿诺德的工作实在多得使他难以应付。
- She has been snowed under work for several days. 她好几天来都忙于工作。
- They really are snowed under with new orders. 新的定货单实在使他们应接不暇了。
- The cars were snowed under by drifts. 车辆被积雪盖没了。
- He was snowed under in the election. 他在选举中被击败了。
- The firm is snowed under with work. 这家公司工作过忙。
- All the fields are snowed under. 整个原野都被大雪覆盖了。
- The snow under foot scurries before the wind, blows, tickles, stings, lisps away, whirls aloft, showers, splinters, sprays down. 风吹动脚下的积雪,雪花随风飘动,使人发痒、刺痛,它们发出含混的啸声,被风卷到空中又纷纷扬扬地落下,裂成碎屑洒下来。
- A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air. 一会儿以后,她发现自己站在深夜的树林中,雪花正从空中飘落下来,她的脚下全是积雪。
- They were snowed under with complaints about working conditions. 关于工作条件的报怨多得他们应付不了。
- The little bushes were snowed under and could not be seen. 小灌木丛埋在雪里看不见了。
- The frozen snow crunched under our feet. 冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。