- We should keep down the soaring prices. 我们应控制物价的飞涨。
- The speaker declaimed against soaring prices. 演讲者猛烈抨击物价飞涨。
- He declaimed against soaring prices. 他猛烈抨击物价飞涨。
- In Cairo, a shopping frenzy began weeks ago despite soaring prices. (在开罗,尽管物价飞涨,人们数星期前仍然开始了疯狂购物。
- "Expo concept" would bring apprehensively Shanghai soaring prices? “世博概念”带来悬念上海房价是否会飞涨?
- But he worries that they'll face mounting pressures in the industry, particularly because of the soaring price for corn, which the business depends on to feed the livestock. 但是他担心他们将面临产业中日增的压力,尤其是因为玉米暴增的价格,那可是这项生意依靠用来饲养家畜的。
- Chinese government will be upset by the imbalance between the creping increase of income and the soaring price of crucial commodities like food, housing and public services, etc. 食品、住房和公用事业等对消费者至关重要的商品价格涨幅高于收入涨幅,这将令中国政府感到不安。”
- Thus, five Mara car into six horse riders, leading to soaring prices up. 于是,五马拉车变成了六马狂奔,从而导致房价一路飙升。
- At the present time, the soaring price of the commercial house has resulted in the overstock of a large number of commercial houses;especially in some large cities things are even worse. 目前在全国范围内,尤其是在大城市由于房价过高而造成为数不少的商品房积压。
- The shortages are a result of refiners stopping production in order to avoid losses caused by the difference between government-fixed retail prices and the soaring price of crude. 造成目前燃油短缺的原因是,由于政府确定的零售价格滞后于不断上涨的原油价格,一些炼油厂为了避免亏损而停止生产。
- To many of us,improvement means regularly upgrading to a bigger house despite soaring prices. 如果要感觉到进步,就表示我们得在物价飙升中继续地小屋换大屋。
- Our prices increase is simply due to the higher costs caused by the soaring prices of raw materials. 我们的产品提价只是因为原材料价格猛涨,大大增加了我们的生产成本。
- Even the soaring prices of the early 1970s were not extraordinary by historical standards. 甚至在二十世纪七十年代初期出现猛烈上涨的价格,按历史标准衡量也不算是异常的。
- To many of us, improvement means regularly upgrading to a bigger house despite soaring prices. 如果要感觉到进步,就表示我们得在物价飙升中继续地小屋换大屋。
- Families across Asia lament that the soaring prices hijacked the joy of Ramadan. 亚洲穆斯林悲叹,物价飞涨劫持了斋月的乐趣。
- Strong investment pattern to soaring prices here, where home buyers are mostly political and business dignitaries. 强有力的投资格局促使这里房价飞涨,在这里置业的大多为政商名流。
- The country responded to soaring prices by ramping up domestic commodity production and foraging for alternatives. 面对大宗商品价格飙涨,中国的反应是大力提高国内生产,并四处搜寻替代品。
- Chen rattles off a litany of woes: micro-thin profit margins, rising labor costs and soaring prices for raw materials. 陈唠唠叨叨的说了很多:利润越来越薄,劳动力成本上涨,原材料上涨。
- The general slump, after years of breakneck growth and soaring prices, has spread its poison through the economy. 在多年的高速发展和物价猛涨后,全面的萧条已经毒害到了迪拜的经济。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。