- Auguste Comte explained his methodology,the moral concept of ethics and religious view under his positivism and system of the social organism theory. 孔德是在其实证主义和社会有机体理论的体系下阐述他的方法论、伦理道德观和宗教观的。
- An Analytical Study of Social Organism Theory of Auguste Comte 孔德的社会有机体思想探析
- social organismic theory 社会有机体说社会有机体说
- The Ethic Characteristic of Traditional Chinese Social Relations and Its Contemporary Difficulties --A Study of Liang Shuming's Social Organization Theory 中国传统社会关系的伦理特质及其当代困境--梁漱溟社会结构理论研究之一
- social organic theory 社会有机论
- Professor Gan Xifen is the founder of Chinese Communist Party organ theory system. 党报理论在我国经过80多年的发展,已经初步形成学说体系,甘惜分教授是我国党报理论体系的建构者。
- Marx's theory of social organism is the Marx's view of society and history, and is his highly-condensed historical materialism. 摘要马克思的社会有机体理论是马克思的社会历史观,是对其唯物史观的高度浓缩。
- The number of social organizations has also increased. 各种社会团体也有很大增加。
- The members of a social organization who are in power. 一个当权的社会组织的成员。
- The management of social organizations has been strengthened. 社团管理工作得到加强。
- Management: Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science. 管理学:管理学原理、组织理论、行为学。
- Shafritz, J.M. & Ott, J.S.(2000), Classics of Organization Theory(5th ed.). 李再长译(民88),组织理论与管理,台北:华泰。
- There is a surge of research into Marxist organic theory in society. 社会上兴起了一股研究马克思有机体理论的热潮。
- Coleman analyzes social capital theory and its contemporary significance. He summarizes five kinds of forms of social capital: the duty and expectations,information network,canon and effective penalty,authority relations and social organization. 科尔曼对社会资本理论有比较透彻的分析,他概括出了社会资本的义务与期望、信息网络、规范和有效惩罚、权威关系和社会组织等五种形式及其现代意义。
- Langue, livelihood estate, environment, costume, taboo or social organization? 语言、生计产业、环境、服饰、仪式或社会组织?
- Ants are the history of social organization and the future of computers. 蚂蚁是社会组织的历史,也是计算机的未来。
- Drawing on social movement and organizational theory, we explain how challenging parties not only mobilize to achieve their goals but how they are able to transform contestation into collaboration. 基于社会运动和组织理论,我们不仅解释了发起挑战的团体是如何动员起来以实现目标的,还解释了他们是如何将争论转变为合作的。
- The government and social organizations are adopting measures to overcome these inadequacies. 政府和社会团体正在采取措施解决这些问题。
- Effects of the Rise of Neo-Industrial Organization Theory on the Anti-Trust Policies in the U.S. 新产业组织理论的兴起对美国反托拉斯政策的影响。
- The unit of social organization everywhere is the clan, consisting of people having the same family name. 社会组织是普遍地以一姓为单位的家族组织。