- the social principal contradiction 社会主要矛盾
- social principal contradiction 社会主要矛盾
- What then is the principal contradiction now? 那末,现在的主要矛盾是什么呢?
- New Knowledge and New Statement of China's Present Social Principal Contradictions 对当前我国社会主要矛盾的新认识和新表述
- You must target the principal contradiction, rather than the trivial matters. 要抓主要矛盾,不要只盯着那些细故末节的东西。
- The principal contradiction in feudal society was between the peasantry and the lanalord classs. 封建社会的主要矛盾,是农民阶级和地主阶级的矛盾。
- Once the principal contradiction is grasped,all problems will be readily solved. 一旦抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。
- If you want to solve the problem, you had better find out the principal contradiction. 如果你想解决这个问题,你最好先找出基本的矛盾。
- This shows us that although class struggle is no longer the principal contradiction in our society, it still exists and cannot be neglected. 这说明,阶级斗争虽然已经不是我们社会中的主要矛盾,但是它确实仍然存在,不可小看。
- Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all proBlems will Be readily solved. 一旦抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。
- The principal contradiction and economical scale of trap are analysed and their solutions thereof are presented. 分析了钼市场的主要矛盾和规模陷阱并提出了解决的办法。
- This shows us that although class struggle is no longer the principal contradiction in our society,it still exists and cannot be neglected. 这说明,阶级斗争虽然已经不是我们社会中的主要矛盾,但是它确实仍然存在,不可小看。
- Educative purpose: Understands the socialism initial stage the meaning, the reason, the principal contradiction and the basic task.... 教学目的:理解社会主义初级阶段的含义、原因、主要矛盾和根本任务。...
- Recently,as a result of in creaseing the productivity with the sinter process in Shanxi Branch,the ability of the desiliconizing unit was the principal contradiction. 近年来,随着中铝山西分公司烧结法产量的不断提高,脱硅器通过能力就成为限制提产的主要矛盾。
- Land deserting and low management benefit are the principal contradiction in protecting ecological environment and agricultural development in Xinjiang. 土地荒漠化、经营效益低下是新疆生态环境保护、农业发展中存在的突出矛盾。
- The level of our productive forces is very low and is far from meeting the needs of our people and country.This is the principal contradiction in the current period,and to resolve it is our central task. 我们的生产力发展水平很低,远远不能满足人民和国家的需要,这就是我们目前时期的主要矛盾,解决这个主要矛盾就是我们的中心任务。
- Statistics Should Face to the Social Principal Part 统计要面向社会主体
- Sixth, the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, between the socialist road and the capitalist road, is undoubtedly the principal contradiction in contemporary Chinese society. 第六点,无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾,社会主义道路和资本主义道路的矛盾,毫无疑问,这是当前我国社会的主要矛盾。
- Physical model building should be an abstract one which should be based on the concrete conditions, discard the dross and select the essential, seize the principal contradiction and conform to the knowledge law. 物理模型的建立,应根据具体条件,去粗存精,抓住主要矛盾,建立起抽象化的物理模型,使之符合人类的认识规律。
- The level of our productive forces is very low and is far from meeting the needs of our people and country.This is the principal contradiction in the current period, and to resolve it is our central task. 我们的生产力发展水平很低,远远不能满足人民和国家的需要,这就是我们目前时期的主要矛盾,解决这个主要矛盾就是我们的中心任务。