- Bandura, A. (1986), Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 江秋玫(1997);国小教师专业承诺、自我效能感与专业践行关系之研究;国立嘉义师范学院国民教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- Objective To assess the effect of a group intervention on smoking cessation based on social cognitive theory. 目的评价社会认知理论指导下的"我能戒烟"小组式戒烟方法的长期效果。
- Bandura, A. (1986), Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. 向阳基金会(2001);e世代青少年网咖经验调查报告;台北:财团法人向阳公益基金会;.
- To explicate the microprocesses of threat regulation, I draw on social cognitive theory, symbolic interactionism, and the psychology of emotion regulation. 通过借鉴社会认知理论,符号互动论,以及情绪调节心理学,我阐明了威胁管理的微处理。
- Marietta AL, Rick P,Jeffery SH. Why do effective smoking prevention programs work? Student changes in social cognitive theory constructs. The Journal of school Health,69(8):326-331,1999. 张惠芬:探讨青少年戒菸课程之成效。国立台北护理学院护理学系研究所硕士论文,2001。
- Then combining socialization of childrentheory, social cognitive theory of children, gaming theory and Instruction Design theory,referring to Dick Design Model, etc; does a research on the gaming courseware that promotesthe socialization of children. 然后运用儿童社会化理论、儿童社会认知理论、游戏理论和教学设计理论,参照教学设计论中的迪克模型等设计模型,对促进儿童社会化的游戏型课件进行研究。
- The Social Cognitive Theory of Gender Development and Differentiation 性别形成和差异的社会认知理论述评
- A Study of Self-Satisfaction in Computer Skill Training: An Application of Social Cognitive Theory 国立中山大学资讯管理研究所博士论文初稿从电脑技能训练探讨自我满意之研究-社会认知理论的应用
- The application of social cognitive theory in group intervention for smoking cessation 基于社会认知理论的小组戒烟研究
- social cognitive theory 社会认知理论
- The social cognitive career theory, race/gender ecological theory prove that racial and ethic culture has a close relation to career psychology and career development. 社会认知职业理论、种族/性别生态模式和系统理论框架说明,民族文化与职业心理和生涯发展密切相关。
- Self-determination theory (SDT) is a new cognitive theory of motivation. 自我决定论是一种新的动机认知理论,它将动机区分为自主动机和受控动机。
- social cognition theory 社会认知论
- His present research fields are SFL theory and applications in social cognition. 目前主要研究方向:系统功能语言学理论与应用。
- Cognitive theory shows that English writing is restricted by cognitive style and cognitive means. 认知科学理论表明,英语写作由人的认知方式和手段所制约。
- Conclusion It is necessary to research Beck's cognitive theory of depression thoroughly. 结论需要加强对抑郁认知理论的研究。
- The relationship between emotion and memory is one of the important topics of study social cognitive neurology. 摘要情绪与记忆的关系问题一直是社会认知神经科学研究的重要课题。
- Please explain the cognitive theory of motivation;would you think it is good enouth in explaining why people suceed and fail in their careers? 社会认知理论认为人类动机出于主观诠释,可是职场成功和失败在这题是要谁定义呀?答案会差很多。
- Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action:A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice-Hall. 蔡佳纯、黄静凤(2005).护生儿科实习之压力源及压力探讨.慈济护理,4(4),50-57。
- Constructivism is a philosophy of learning which is the further development from behaviorism to cognitive theory and is objective to the objectivism. 建构主义理论是行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展,是向与客观主义更对立的方向发展的一种思潮。