- "Human nature" varies considerably with the social institutions. “人性”在很大程度上因社会习俗的不同而不同。
- The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement. 无政府主义认为对现存政治或社会组织的破坏是有利于未来改进的一种信念
- One who believes in or advocates destruction, especially of existing social institutions. 破坏主义者信奉或提倡毁灭(尤指现存的社会制度)的人
- Social institutions are now being called upon to provide assistance to the homeless. 社会机构现在被要求向无家可归者提供帮助
- What to speak of giving donation to social institutions, he did not give even a tip of twenty-five paisa to a peon. 他们吝啬于给自己雇用的工人发工资,就更不用说向社会捐赠了。
- As far as we know, no ape has formed social institutions such as religion or law. 就我们所知,还没有猿类能形成诸如宗教或者法律之类的社会制度。
- The metropolitanism is affecting most of our social institution. 大都市生活之特点正影响到我们大部份的社会制度。
- The bank has also begun to look beyond policies at the deep, social“ institutions” that underpin prosperity or poverty. 银行业在开始瞻望更深远的政策,加固繁荣或贫穷的社会“机构”。
- It works for social justice and social equality. It takes actions to make social institutions more humane and is responsive to human needs. 它追求社会公义及提倡社会平等,并通过实际行动令社会制度更符合人道主义精神,以配合人民的需要。
- Social institutions and processes are thus the product of definite material conditions which can be discovered by empirical and historical analysis. 社会制度和过程是一定物质条件的产物,可以通过经验的和历史的分析而发现。
- The mausoleum of Ulysses S.Grant, this building exemplifies the presence of social institutions and high culture in Morningside Height. 这座尤利塞斯男子格兰特的陵墓,代表了当时的社会制度以及高度发展的文化水平。
- As social institutions museums are not static and constant institutions but they always reflect and convey / transmit what is happening around them. 作为一个社会机构,博物馆并非静止不变的,而总是反映和传递着发生在它们周围的变化。
- People alive today will pass on a stock of exhaustible and other natural resources as well as machines, buildings and social institutions. 生活在今天的人们将会把一整套可用竭自然资源、其它自然资源、机械、建筑和社会习俗传给下一代。
- Among social institutions, churches were especially supportive because their emphasis on morality and community was conducive to antislavery activism. 在社会机构中,教堂是尤其支持的,因为它们对道德和共享的强调有助于废奴运动。
- Freed from Catholic structural constraints, the Quebecois was able to develop their modern social institutions, especially in education and economy. 魁北克也是印第安语,意为河流最狭的地方。
- We’ve done too little study on them.We idealize their economic structure and social institutions, everything, even their moral standards. 是研究他们太少,把他们太理想化,认为他们的经济、制度什么都是好的,甚至包括良心!
- The bank has also begun to look beyond policies at the deep, social “institutions” that underpin[10] prosperity or poverty. 世界银行已经开始深层次地研究那些支持繁荣或加剧贫困的社会政策或社会制度。
- A theory according to which social institutions,values,and processes arise solely from the acts and interests of individuals,who thus constitute the only true subject of analysis. 个人主义论认为所有社会机构、价值及运行过程都只由个人的行为及利益来趋动的理论,这样,个人组成了分析的唯一真正对象。
- Therefore, school, family and related social institutions should take efficient measures to prevent teenagers' deviant behaviour, and build a healthy social environment for them. 因此,学校、庭和有关部门要采取有力措施,预防和抑制青少年偏差行为,为青少年健康成长创造良好的社会环境。
- To the libertarian movement. He argued that it is important for libertarians to also be "communitarians," defending traditional social institutions from the state. 他争辩道,自由主义者同时具有“共产主义者”的气质非常重要,能够保卫国家的传统社会制度。