- This cannot and will not undermine the socialist economy. 这样做不会也不可能破坏社会主义经济。
- It deals with macro-modulation in the socialist economy. 它论及的是社会主义市场经济的宏观调控。
- Russia employed the "shock therapy" to accomplish the transition from socialistic economy to capitalistic economy. 苏联解体以后,俄罗斯用“休克疗法”来完成社会主义经济向资本主义经济的过渡。
- Later we said that in a socialist economy planning was primary. We should not say that any longer. 后来又讲计划经济为主,现在不要再讲这个了。
- The private economy is a supplement to the socialist economy under the public ownership. 私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补充。
- On the contrary,the policy of opening to the outside world will favour the growth of the socialist economy there. 相反地,对外开放有利于壮大和发展社会主义经济。
- This viewpoint is of great significance as a guideline for the rapid development of socialist economy. 这对于指导我国社会主义经济更快更好的发展具有重要启示。
- Article 7. The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy. 第七条 国营经济是社会主义全民所有制经济,是国民经济中的主导力量。
- Developing a planned socialist economy on a nationwide scale is quite different from planning the economic work of the former Liberated Areas. 在全国范围内有计划地建设社会主义经济,这和解放区的经济工作很不同。
- Developing the socialist economy is a basic task of the dictatorship of the proletariat. 无产阶级专政的基本任务之一,就是发展社会主义经济。
- We have opened some 20 cities to the outside world, on condition that the socialist economy remains predominant there. 我们对外开放二十来个城市,这也是在社会主义经济是主体这个前提下进行的
- On the contrary, the policy of opening to the outside world will favour the growth of the socialist economy there. 相反地,对外开放有利于壮大和发展社会主义经济。
- Enterprises owned by the whole people constitute the leading force in China's socialist economy. 全民所有制经济是我国社会主义经济的主导力量。
- It's Russians' misunderstanding of Mann that the traditional socialistic economy system opposes market economy macroscopically and does to the shareholding system microcosmically. 摘要传统社会主义经济体制在宏观上对立于市场经济,在微观上对立于股份制,出于俄国人对马恩的误解。
- Unemployment is an unavoidable product of market economy, and is not against the rules of socialist economy. 失业是市场经济不可避免的产物,也并不违背社会主义经济原则。
- According to characteristic of Chinese socialist economy, perfecting concerned regulation, progressively try out. 根据中国社会主义经济特点,正在完善有关规定,逐步试行。
- Socialist economy depends heavily on plans of government and public ownerships of the means of production. 社会主义经济在很大程度上依赖于政府计划和生产资料公有制。
- Comrade Chen Yun is the inaugurator that our country socialist economy builds and one of founders. 陈云同志是我国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人之一。
- After the socialist economy passes labyrinthian development, still can have new development. 社会主义经济经过曲折发展以后 ,还会有新的发展。
- And from the economic point of view,our socialist economy already has a solid basis in industry,agriculture,commerce and other sectors. 从经济上讲,我国的社会主义经济在工业、农业、商业和其他方面已经建立了相当坚实的基矗。