- Marx's civil society theory is an open and developing system. 马克思市民社会理论博大精深,是一个开放的与时俱进的体系。
- Risk Society Theory involves sociality, system and responsibility of risk, etc. 摘要风险社会理论体现了风险的社会性、制度性以及责任性等三个方面。
- Paradigm study gradually transits to exemplification study in civil society theory. 当前我国的市民社会理论正逐步从范式研究转向范例研究。
- The Hegelian Civil Society Theory serves as an important intermediate link for its development. 黑格尔之前的市民社会理论仅区分了市民社会与自然社会;
- The civil society theory that led to protecting the negative freedom has enlightening to the design of this phase. 以保护消极自由为主导的市民社会理论对这一阶段制度设计颇具启示意义。
- So, we should never forget to discourse Glidden's' ideas of modernity when we begin to systematically explore his risk society theory. 由此,当我们对吉登斯的风险社会理论进行系统性探究的时候,对其现代性观点的论述就显得必不可少。
- Employing circulative economics and society theory ,this paper analyses the countermeasure and the way to solve the civil garbage problem of China. 本文运用循环型经济社会理论分析了解决我国城市垃圾问题的途径与对策。
- There are three paradigms in Risk Society theory, but the key point is the paradox of risk's existen and constructivity. 西方风险社会理论有三种范式,核心问题是风险的实存性与建构性,这种二元张力结构与大众传媒有着家族相似性。
- A.Gramsci's civil society theory belongs to the category of superstructure.He believed that civil society was the basis and carrier for the leadership of capitalist ideology. 摘要葛兰西的市民社会概念属于上层建筑的范畴,他认为市民社会是资产阶级意识形态领导权得以实现的根本途径和载体,在西方国家,无产阶级革命的关键也是掌握意识形态的领导权。
- Gramsci's civil society theory came from his reflections on the history and reality of capitalist countries, such as Italy, which has positive implications for Chinese society. 葛兰西的市民社会理论是他对意大利等现代西方发达资本主义国家的历史和现实进行反思的结果,对今天的中国也有积极的启示意义。
- The English School scholars such as Barry Buzan advocate to apply international society theory to the subglobal/regional level on the base of the revised theory. 以布赞为代表的新一代英国学派学者在进行理论修正的基础上,将国际社会理论从全球层次引向区域层次。
- Firstly, by analyzing the civil society theory of Hegal, Marx, Habermas, Cohen and Arato , the author sketches out the developing process from dualism to trialism of civil society theory. 首先重点分析了黑格尔、马克思、哈贝马斯、柯亨和阿拉托的市民社会理论,大致勾勒市民社会理论从二分法到三分法的发展演变过程。
- The World Risk Society Theory of Beck 贝克的世界风险社会理论
- Closely connecting with his modernization and globalization theories and laying emphasis on institution,Ulrich Beck studied risk and risk society problems,and set up his Risk Society Theory on practical basis of high risks in modern society. 贝克以现代社会的高风险为其深刻的现实基础,侧重于制度层面,并与其现代化和全球化理论密切关联,来研究风险和风险社会问题,建构其风险社会理论体系。 这一理论对转型期我国政府的危机管理具有重要启示:在推进现代化的过程中政府应高度重视风险防范和危机管理;
- Key Thought of Oriental Society Theory 东方社会道路理论的核心思想
- the new democratic society theory 新民主主义社会理论
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- She subscribes to an animal protection society. 她捐款给一个动物保护协会。