- Research on economic transition of the colliery cities in China II. 中国煤矿城市经济转型研究2。
- Whether a county government is competent or not has a direct bearing on the socio economic development of the area it governs and will affect the successful implementation of the afore mentioned program. 县级政府的能力直接关系着它所治理的县域社会的发展 ,也影响着西部大开发战略的推展。
- The author focuses on the optimization of economic transition in China from the view of soft budget constraint (SBC). 本文从软预算约束角度出发,研究我国经济转轨路径的优化问题。
- Therefore, it is necessary to study the reason of NPLs of SCB and learn the lesson of the SCB reform of other economic transition country. 因此,分析我国国有商业银行不良贷款形成的原因,吸取其他经济转型国家国有商业银行改革的经验,就显得十分必要。
- This article comes up with a frame based on trichotomy to analyze the disbalance among contract governance mechanisms during China's economic transition. 本文在三分法的基础上,建立了一个分析中国转型期契约治理机制作用失衡的框架。
- The amount of township debts hinders our country's rural economy from modernization,which is a special phenomenon during the period of rural social and economic transition. 乡镇债务问题是我国农村社会转型、经济转轨时期的特殊现象,巨额的乡镇债务的存在阻碍了农村现代化的进程。
- Ethical defficiency during the choice of economic behavior of private enterprises brings tremendous actual perplexity under the background of Chinese economic transition. 摘要在中国经济转型背景下,民营企业经济行为选择中的伦理缺失带给人们很大的现实困惑。
- The experience of other economic transition country have proven that whether a country can solve the problem of NPLs smoothly will affect the transition process. 各经济转型国家的经验证明,国有商业银行不良贷款问题解决的好坏,直接关系到一国经济转型的成败。
- During the economic transition,the support of our government for enterprise technological innovation should focus on technology improvement and technology importation. 在经济过渡时期,我国政府对企业技术创新活动支持的重点是技术改造、技术引进。
- At last, the author indicates that economic transition should be optimized in five aspects and achieved maximized benefit by grasping the changed track of cost and earning. 最后指出我国经济转轨路径的优化应该从五个方面着手,把握成本和收益的变化轨迹,实现转轨效益的最大化。
- The economic transition theory based on the imperfect information proposed by Stiglitz,the famous American economist,has special characteristics and realistic significance. 美国著名经济学家斯蒂格利茨建立在不完全信息理论基础上的经济转型理论独树一帜,具有较大的理论价值和现实意义。
- In the institutional environment of economic transition and social transformation, the reality Chinese institutions of NVQ are faced to their ways of operation and changing. 在社会经济转型的环境中,我国职业资格证书制度所面对的环境正在发生变化,这种变化推动制度系统向前发展。
- Our country is in economic transition period, the modificatory action of all sorts of complex elements, make governmental malfunction phenomenon inevitable. 我国正处于经济转型时期 ,各种复杂因素的变更作用 ,使政府失灵现象不可避免。
- In the current economic transition of our Country, Appraising Value of The Enterprises faced lots of traits, such as the unhealthiness of system and the market was forming. 我国转型经济条件下,企业价值评估面临的体制和市场环境存在诸多特点,体制的不健全和市场的不完善决定我国企业价值评估不同于成熟市场经济国家。
- Second, as an important economic transition Part of the reform in a timely manner, with the entire system of simultaneous operation and a certain degree of efficiency. 二是本身作为经济转轨的一个重要组成部分,适时进行改革,保持与整个体制的同步性和一定的运转效率。
- Since Russia implemented economic transition, the Far East agricultural production has declined by a big margin. Agricultural businesses try hard to survive and develop in a tight corner. 俄罗斯实行经济转轨以来 ,远东地区农业生产大幅度滑坡 ,农业企业在困境中求生存、求发展 ,步履维艰。
- Generally speaking, People in Indonesia are still not mentally prepared to carry out democracy, and they are still probably enduring throe brought by political and economic transition for a long time. 总的来说,印尼人民还没有做好推行民主的思想准备,他们可能还要长期承受政治经济转型带来的阵痛。
- But in the period of economic transition, due to the influence of various factors including history and reality, honesty has been trifled with.This has seriously hurt the society and economy. 但在经济转轨过程中,由于历史、现实等各种因素的影响,社会信用却严重缺失,对我国的社会经济造成了严重危害。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。