- sodium borohydride formation 硼氢化钠生成
- Xanthone was reduced to xanthydrol by sodium borohydride. 用硼氢化钠对呫吨酮还原得到呫吨醇。
- Sodium metaborate is a by-product from deoxidation of sodium borohydride. 摘要偏硼酸钠是硼氢化钠的还原副产物。
- The isopropyl amine is used as extractive and purifying agent to give the final sodium borohydride with high purity and yield of 47.8%. 用异丙胺对产物进行萃取提纯,制得了纯度较高、收率为47.;8%25的硼氢化钠产品。
- Sodium borohydride;sodium borohydrate;sodium borohydride (na(bh4));sodium hydroborate;sodium tetrahydridobo ... 硼氢化钠;钠硼氢;氢硼化钠;四氢硼酸(1-)钠香港
- D. in chemistry.With some spare sodium borohydride lying around his lab, Amendola fashioned a battery. 在他获得化学博士学位前,就已得到两项有关净化煤处理的专利。
- Charge of sodium borohydride could be decreased by mixing sodium bisulfite to obtain similar stabilizing effect. 加入亚硫酸氢钠混合处理纸浆可大幅度减少硼氢化钠用量,并能取得类似的改善纸浆白度稳定性效果。
- The results show that poplar APMP pulp treated by sodium borohydride could be brightened and stabilized significantly. 结果表明:硼氢化钠处理杨木漂白化机浆不但能够显著改善其白度稳定性而且对纸浆具有漂白作用。
- Alkyl balides react with sodium borohydride and selenium in the presence of solid sodium hydroxide to give dialkyl selenides in excellent yields. 在固体氢氧化钠存在下,卤代烃及用氢化钠与硒粉作用,在乙醇溶液中制得二烃基硒醚。
- The asymmetric reduction mechanism of p-methylcyclohexanone by sodium borohydride was investigated with ab initio calculations. 用从头计算方法对硼氢化钠不对称还原对甲基环己酮的机理进行了研究。
- According to the thermodynamics,it was discussed the possibility of reduction of sodium metaborate to produce sodium borohydride. 首先从热力学角度讨论偏硼酸钠还原生成硼氢化钠的反应;根据吉布斯函数,讨论反应进行的必要条件。
- Long-life sodium borohydride batteries and fuel-cell systems for the military could find their way into tanks, ships, unmanned air vehicles and more. 寿命长的硼氢化钠电池和燃料电池,在军事上可以用于坦克、船只及无人驾驶飞机等。
- The sodium borohydride can be obtained by deoxidation of the aforementioned sodium metaborate as raw material in the presence of metalic sodium and quartzite. 以偏硼酸钠为原料,与金属钠、石英砂进行加氢反应来制备硼氢化钠。
- Dihydroxybenzyl alcohol is synthesized from 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid by acylation and reduction by sodium borohydride reagent systems, which gives a convenient synthetic method. 以3,5-二羟基苯甲酸为原料,经酰化、硼氢化钠还原体系还原,合成了3,5-二羟基苯甲醇。
- Dihydroxybenzyl alcohol is synthesized from 3, 5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid by acylation and reduction by sodium borohydride reagent systems, which gives a convenient synthetic method. 摘要以3,5-二羟基苯甲酸为原料,经酰化、硼氢化钠还原体系还原,合成了3,5-二羟基苯甲醇。
- In the presence of catalytic amounts of tellurium,aryl chloroacetates can be cleaved by sodium borohydride and regenerate parent phenols in good yields. 在催化量碲粉存在下,氯代醋酸芳酯可被硼氢化钠裂解,以良好产率生成母体酚。
- The borohydride reducing reagent supported by the strong acid cation exchange resin was prepared by the strong acid cation exchange resin reacting with sodium borohydride. 用强酸型离子交换树脂与硼氢化钠作用制备了强酸型离子交换树脂支载的硼氢化还原剂.;探讨了在不同溶剂中制备的还原树脂的还原能力;
- Working as an energy consultant in the early 1990s, Amendola grasped that sodium borohydride might be ideal for fueling the roomy gas guzzlers that Americans like to drive. 1990年代初期,阿曼多拉曾担任能源顾问,当时他就想到,对于老美所酷爱的耗油大车来说,硼氢化钠会是个理想的燃料。
- For example, hydrogen can be stored in a solid form in a chemical called sodium borohydride, and this technology has appeared in the news recently because Chrysler is testing it. 比如,可以将氢气以一种成为固态硼氢化钠的固态化学品中,这项技术很快将能够实现,因为克莱斯勒汽车公司已经在测试这种技术。
- Base on the thermodynamic calculation result, the feasibility of converting sodium metaborate to sodium borohydride by electrochemistry deoxidation was validated. 首先通过热力学计算,偏硼酸钠由电化学还原的方法生成硼氢化钠是可行的。