- Thallium-activated sodium iodide scintillator GB/T13181-1991碘化钠(铊)闪烁体
- sodium iodide scintillator 碘化钠闪烁体
- The filtrates were treated with a solution of 3.0 grams of sodium iodide in a small amount of water. 滤液用少量水中溶有3克碘化钠的溶液处理。
- It consists of 25 ultrapure crystals of sodium iodide totalling around 250 kilograms in mass. 它由25个总重约250千克超纯的碘化钠晶体组成。
- The changes of expression of sodium/iodide symporter might play an important role in the pathogenesis of thyroid nodules. 碘转运体含量的变化在甲状腺结节的发生发展中发挥重要作用。
- An experimental study on corneal scar in 116 rabbits indicates that the effect of "Huayunning" is far better than that of dionine and sodium iodide. 用化云宁治疗116只家兔角膜创伤及瘢痕模型的研究证明,化云宁不影响角膜创伤的愈合,对角膜云翳疗效明显,远优于狄奥宁和碘化钠。
- Objective (1) To develop monoclonal antibody against human sodium iodide symporter and investigate the expression of NIS antigen on various thyroid tissues. 目的(1)探讨抗人钠碘转运体(NIS)单克隆抗体的制备方法与临床实用价值。
- The experiment, known as Dark Matter Large Sodium Iodide Bulk for Rare Processes (DAMA/LIBRA), is located deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in central Italy. 该实验称作DarkMatterLargeSodiumIodideBulkforRareProcesses(DAMA/LIBRA),位于意大利中部深入地下的GranSasso国家实验室。
- Pyrazole has been prepared through the dehydrogenation of 2 pyrazoline in which catalytic amonts of sodium iodide acts as dehydrogenation agent in sulfuric acid. 在硫酸中用碘化钠(催化量)作脱氢试剂使2吡唑啉脱氢制备吡唑.
- The above three monitoring systems are high purity germanium based or sodium iodide based to monitor the activity concentrations of the radionuclides in foodstuffs or drinking water rapidly. 这三个监测系统是利用高纯度锗探测器或碘化钠探测器迅速监测食水及食物中的放射性核素含量。
- Sodium Salicylate and Sodium Iodide Injection 水杨酸钠碘化钠注射液
- Scintillation detectors of sodium iodide (thallium) 碘化钠(铊)闪烁探测器
- thallium-activated sodium iodide crystal 铊激活碘化钠晶体
- sodium iodide cintillation detector 碘化钠闪烁探测器
- sodium iodide crystal scintillation detector 碘化钠晶体闪烁探测器
- sodium iodide crytal scintillation detector 碘化钠晶体闪烁探测器
- Keywords Hyperthyroidism;Antithyroid drug;Sodium iodide; 甲状腺功能亢进;抗甲状腺药;碘化钠;
- Sodium and water react (together). 钠和水能起反应。
- Keywords pyrazoline;pyrazole;sodium iodide;dehydrogenation; 吡唑啉;吡唑;碘化钠;脱氢作用;
- Keywords FRTL cells;Iodine excess;Sodium iodide symporter; FRTL细胞;碘过量;钠碘转运体;