- Soil cement mixing pile has been used on soft soil foundation treatment and foundation pit bracing,however,the strength of soil cement mixing pile is low and its bearing capacity is not high. 常用的水泥土搅拌桩复合地基和挡土墙在软土地基加固和基坑围护工程中普遍应用,但是水泥土搅拌桩的强度较低,因此承载能力不高。
- In this article,authors introduce application of CFG piles in treatment of soft soil foundation with experiences of the B2 bid foundation treatment of prefabrication field of Sutong Bridge. 本文结合苏通大桥B2标预制场地基处理的工程实际,浅谈CFG桩在软基处理中的运用。
- Zhuang-yu Road Soft Soil Foundation Treatment %26 Design 庄俞公路软土地基的处理与设计
- Construction method of plastic drain board in soft soil foundation treatment 塑料排水板处理软土地基施工方法
- An Engineering Example of Soft Soil Foundation Treatment Method of Laying Geotextile by Sanding Consolidation 抛砂固结铺设土工布方法处理软土地基的工程实例
- Finite Element Analysis of Soft Soil Foundation Treatment of the West Sea Embankment of Shenzhen 深圳西海堤软土地基处理的有限元分析
- Application of Soft Soil Foundation Treatment With High Vacuum Densification Method in a Ship Yard 高真空击密法在造船基地软基处理中的应用
- Construction principle and quality control of cement injection pile in soft soil foundation treatment 粉喷桩处理软地基的施工原理及质量控制
- Construction technology and quality control of cement injection method in soft soil foundation treatment 粉喷技术处治软土地基的施工工艺及质量控制
- Construction technology and quality control of cement injection pile in soft soil foundation treatment 粉喷桩处治软土地基的施工工艺及质量控制
- Construction technology and test method of cement injection pile in soft soil foundation treatment of highway 浅谈粉喷桩处理公路软基施工工艺与检测方法
- Soft Soil Foundation Reinforcement in Kunming Area as Judged from Haigen Substation Foundation Treatment 从海埂变电所看昆明地区软土地基基础加固
- Soft Soil Foundation Treatment By Pre - Pressing and Piling - Up Method For Sea - Filling Works In Shenzhen Bay 杂土填海地区采用堆载预压法处理软土地基的施工技术研究
- Soft Soil Foundation Treatment of Standard Sea Embankment by Vibration and Silt-Squeezing Method 用振动挤淤法处理标准海堤的软土地基
- Techniques for depth control of deep-mixing pile in soft soil foundation treatment 深层搅拌桩加固软土地基深度控制技术探讨
- The application of geotextile-reinforced sand cushion in soft soil foundation treatment of road 土工织物加筋垫层法在公路软基处理中的应用
- The application of prefabricated square-pile in soft soil foundation treatment of jacking frame Railway Bridge 预制方桩在铁路顶进框架桥软基加固中的应用
- The application of principle of optimality in choosing the best plan for soft soil foundation treatment 优化原理在软土地基处理方案比选中的应用
- The application of soft soil foundation treatment by dynamic consolidation in high fill culvert design 强夯处理软弱地基在高填土涵洞设计中的应用
- The application of vibrate-compacted crushed-stone pile in soft soil foundation treatment of expressway 振动挤密碎石桩在高速公路软基处理中的应用