- Figure 1-1: The evolution of the software development process. 图1-1 软件开发流程的历史变迁
- A typical software development process includes requirements, code, defects, and builds. 典型的软体发展过程包括要求、程式码、缺陷和建立。
- Do you need a software development process that specifies what you should do next at any given moment? 您需要一个在任何给定时刻指定您接着该做什么的软件开发过程吗?
- Does this mean that you can throw out your software development process and develop, truly, without a safety net? 这是不是意味着您可以抛掉软件开发过程并真的在没有安全网的支持下开发呢?
- Software development process complexity combined with the intricacy of software systems has increased significantly. 现在,软件开发过程的复杂性以及软件系统的错综复杂程度都已大大增加了。
- Jacobson I,Booch G,Rumbaugh J.The Unified Software Development Process(First Edition). 中共上海市委组织部编.;党务通(第1版)
- In summary, manual testing fills a gap in the testing repertoire and adds invaluably to the software development process. 总而言之,手工测试弥补了测试一览表之间的空白,对软件开发过程增加了极大价值。
- For an example of a task that specifies iterations, see the Classifications. Xml file in the MSF for Agile Software Development process template. 有关指定迭代的任务的示例;请参见MSF for Agile Software Development过程模板中的Classifications.;xml文件。
- However, it does use the quality of service requirement and task work item types in the MSF for Agile Software Development process template. 但是,它使用MSF for Agile Software Development过程模板中的服务质量要求和任务工作项类型。
- The following example shows how the MSF for Agile Software Development process template maps work item fields to Microsoft Project. 下面的示例说明MSF for Agile Software Development过程模板如何将工作项字段映射到Microsoft Project。
- The following table shows which columns map to which fields for a team project using the MSF for Agile Software Development process template. 下表显示使用MSF for Agile Software Development过程模板的团队项目的列与字段之间的映射关系。
- The bug work item type is one of the work items that are included in MSF for Agile Software Development process guidance. Bug工作项类型是MSF for Agile Software Development过程指南中包含的工作项之一。
- Though software testing is part of the software development process, it should not be considered part of software development. 尽管软件测试是软件开发过程的一部分,但不应视其为软件开发的一部分。
- Many of our software development processes provide very little of a safety net. 许多软件开发过程几乎不提供安全网。
- The COTS-Based avionics software architecture,development process and some COTS software development tools are also introduced. 并给出了一个开发过程和部分开发工具。
- Its functionality includes defining the software development process, controlling and automating the steps of software development. 其主要功能是定义软件开发过程,指导、控制以使软件开发自动化。
- Process guidance is the content that documents the roles, work items, work products, activities, and reports for a specific software development process. 过程指南的内容记录特定软件开发过程的角色、工作项、工作产品、活动和报告。
- For example, if your team project uses the MSF for Agile Software Development process, the work item types are bug, task, scenario, quality of service requirement, and risk. 例如,如果团队项目使用MSF for Agile Software Development过程,则工作项类型有Bug、任务、方案、服务质量要求和风险。
- Keeping RUP central to the software development process allows you to continuously focus on achieving quality and business performance throughout the life cycle. 保持RUP位于软件开发过程的核心,可以使人在整个生命周期中持续地把注意力放在达到质量和业务绩效上。
- Even in this age of short development cycles and automated-test-driven development, manual testing contributes vitally to the software development process. 即使在这样一个短开发周期,自动化测试驱动开发的时代,手工测试对于软件开发的过程仍然做出了极其重要的贡献。