- Offshore software outsourcing industry 离岸软件外包业
- "Provide World Class ISP Service, Support China Software Outsourcing Industry Grow Up" by Mr. David Lue, General Manager China, Pacific Internet 太平洋宽频公司中国总经理吕卫先生:“卓越互联网接入服务和增值服务,助力中国软件外包行业蓬勃发展”
- software outsourcing industry 软件外包产业
- Welcome to Software Outsourcing Information Group! 欢迎您来到软件外包信息小组!
- What is needed from abroad to further develop China's outsourcing industry? 中国外包产业需要哪些海外援助以促进发展?
- How do you think about the prospective future of Software outsourcing? 你对软件外包的前景是怎样看待的?
- Three groups of six single layer construction, building common services for the outsourcing industry to undertake the modernization of buildings. 三组错落有致的六大单体建筑,共同构建为承接服务外包产业的现代化楼宇。
- It can redound to the chosen of the software developing company and the decision-making of software outsourcing. 有助于软件项目发起者对软件开发商的选择与决策。
- The core business of KST is software research &development and software outsourcing. 公司主营自主软件研发及软件外包业务。
- Tarena has provided software outsourcing services to IBM, Microsoft, AsiaInfo, etc. 已为IBM、微软、亚信等提供软件外包服务。
- The outsourcing industry says it does not “encourage or discourage” office romances but tolerates them when they develop. 外包行业表示,“不鼓励也不阻止”办公室恋情,但一旦发生办公室恋情,会采取容忍的态度。
- High-level Internet service needed software outsourcing enterprise. Potential China ISP partners, with local project execution capability and license. 需要高等级互联网服务的软件外包企业潜在的中国ISP合作伙伴,具有本地项目实施能力和许可证。
- "Indian Government Policies to Facilitate the Development of Software Outsourcing and the Role of Software Parks" by Mr. 先生:“印度政府对软件外包业发展的扶持政策,以及软件园区的作用”
- According to CCID Consulting (CCID) issued by China's software outsourcing service provider rankings show that DHC in 2006, 2007 are ranked second. 据赛迪顾问(CCID)发布的中国软件外包服务商排名显示,大连华信在2006年度、2007年度均名列第二位。
- We, Next Horizon Company Limited provide competitive remuneration package and career development to talents who want to have exposure and challenges in outsourcing industry. 广州昊新商业数据处理服务有限公司,向有志在资源外包服务行业发展的人才提供有竞争力的薪酬福利和职业发展机会。
- The main business of DGT is IT service and software outsourcing in the aspects of logistics, finance, data warehouse, etc. 本公司的主营业务是金融、数据仓库、物流等各领域的软件服务外包。
- There are still people out there, it seems, who think India's outsourcing industry is just a bunch of poorly paid clerks with PhDs doing mind-numbing drudgework. 现在仍有一些人以为,印度的外包产业只是由一群低工资的职员组成,他们有着博士学位,但做着令人头昏脑涨的单调乏味的工作。
- Focusing on the risk management of software outsourcing phase, the main risk factors of four risk aspects are discussed and a three-level evaluation system is established. 针对软件项目的风险,将风险管理提前到软件外包阶段进行研究,从四个方面分析了软件外包的风险因素,构建了三级风险评价指标体系。
- But the maturing of the outsourcing industry ought to mean that scaremongering about jobs flowing from rich countries to poor ones will sound less and less convincing. 但是外包工业的成熟应该意味着大众渐渐不再相信有关工作机会从富国流向穷国的谣言。
- Avanti is based in Hong Kong provides leading consultation, professional technical suppt software outsourcing services.Avanti is an expert in business reengineering. 迈前创新科技集团有限公司是一家建基于香港,拥有中国领先的管理咨询、专业的技术服务和外包的团队。