- soil that has leached badly 可溶物质被严重冲掉的土壤
- Soil that had been indurated by extremes of climate. 因气候的极端变化而变硬的土壤
- Brush off the fuzz that has blown on. 把被风吹上去的绒毛刷掉。
- Look at the holes that have been worn in this rug. 瞧瞧这块小地毯上磨出的洞。
- That has been a thorough waste of time. 这是十足的浪费时间。
- It's like a dream come (ie that has come) true. 这有如梦想变成了现实。
- Here are some words that have fallen into disuse. 这是一些废弃不用的词。
- The central concept of Alfisols is that of soils that have an argillic, a kandic, or a nitric horizon and a base saturation of 35% or greater. 淋溶土的主要特性是有粘化层,高岭层或氮化层和盐基饱和度达35%25或以上。
- Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses. 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西
- Radishes prefer sandy soil that's rich in humus . 我们使用的是樱桃萝卜, 一种春萝卜。
- A pedal bicycle that has an attached motor. 机动自行车附有推动引擎的脚踏自行车
- Adobe is soil that contains at least 40% clay. 砖坯的土壤中至少含有40%25的粘土。
- Junk is anything that has outlived its usefulness. 破烂货,是一些比它本身的用处还活久了的东西。
- It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯。
- Each contains at least some so-called bright dust or soil that has proved to contain much sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus along with the typical ferric oxide that gives Mars its red tinge. 每种样品都含有所谓的亮白色土壤。经证实,这种亮白色土壤主要成份为硫磺、氯和磷,还有特有的氧化铁,使火星呈现出赤红色调。
- Relating to an image that has fine detail. 高清晰度的涉及具有精细细节的图象的
- So it's you that have disgraced the family! 原来是你丢了全家的面子!
- A dark soil that develops under grass on limestone and chalk. 黑色石灰土在石灰岩和石灰上生长的草下形成的黑色土壤
- It's the strain of putting the job through that has told on me. 完成这项任务过于劳累,对我产生了影响。
- Man is the only animal that has the faculty of speech. 人类是唯一有说话能力的动物。