- Soil and climatic variations influence cropping systems. 土壤和气候影响种植制度。
- According to the pure crop system and initial contour hedgerow - crop system, the major way of nitrogen and phosphorus loss was in sediment loss. 植物篱-农作系统建成初期和单纯农作系统氮、磷养分流失途径以侵蚀泥沙的携带为主。
- The study shows that P3 and P4 cropping systems better preserves soil and water loss than the other two systems. 种植试验结果表明:紫花苜蓿+青蒿模式和连翘+紫苏种植模式能较好地保持水土。
- Effect of long-term fallow and cultivation on soil fertility in rice-based cropping system. 水旱轮作地区土壤长期休闲与耕种的肥力效应。
- Secondary salinization of soil is an important factor limiting the greenhouse cropping system. 设施土壤次生盐渍化是我国设施农业生产中的一个重要限制因子。
- Long-term fertilizer application effects soil organic carbon (C), total N and potentially mineralizable N in continuous wheat cropping systems in western Canada. 表6 加拿大西部小麦连作体系中长期施肥对土壤有机碳(C)、全N和潜在可矿化氮的影响 Table 6.
- Strictly using meteorological observation method, dynamic changes of soil temperature in wheat-sping cotton relay cropping system during theirs common growth period were studied. 严格用气象部门的观测方法,观测麦套春棉共生期间土壤温度的动态变化。
- So increasing forage crop production is a major approach of the cropping system adjustment in this area. 因此,大力发展饲料粮生产是今后黄土高原种植业结构调整的必然方向。
- These new strains of seed lend themselves to the reformed cropping system. 这些新品种很适应这种改革了的种植制度。
- Cai C F,Chen J Z,Wang C R et al.Effects of rotation cropping system on soil nutrients in hilly region of red soil in South Hubei[J].Soil and Envir.Sci.,2001,30(3):47-50. [1]蔡崇法;陈家宙;王长荣;等.;鄂南红壤丘陵区种植结构调整对土壤养分的影响[J]
- Agricultural farming systems for one year the two major cropping system, the main crop has wheat, corn, cotton, and other. 农业主要耕作制度为一年两熟制,主要农作物有小麦、玉米、棉花等。
- Effects of different cropping system on diversity of soil bacterial community were studied by using denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. 摘要 采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE )技术,研究了不同种植模式对土壤细菌群落多样性的影响。
- Cropping systems.To increase crop intensity it is recommended to practice rice-rice-upland food crop cropping system. 轮作制度:为加强作物集约化管理,提倡"水稻-水稻-旱地(粮食)作物"轮作制。
- Also rape seed yield per area in the mix cropping system was the highest. 间作与混作处理的油菜产量在可比面积上比油菜单作产量高,其中混作产量最高。
- Thus there should be studies for finding an optimal fertilizer schedule based on a cropping system including intercropping systems rather than for a single crop only. 因此,应该研究包括间作在内的种植制度而不仅为某种作物寻找合适的施肥方案。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Alley cropping system with Flemingia congesta as hedgerows; hedgerows are cut regularly and the foliages are used for mulch; conventional tillage, crop residues are incorporated. 在种植制度中,用黎豆属作物作为第三季覆盖作物。用除草剂或人工除草实施免耕,把黎豆属作物叶片和其它作物残体,作为覆盖物。
- Establishing a species-diversified cropping system to control crop diseases, insect pests and weeds is an important approach to sustainable agricultural development. 摘要建立多个物种共存的农作模式、利用物种多样性控制有害生物是农业可持续发展的重要途径。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。