- sojourning Huizhou merchants 侨寓徽商
- So business education was an important part of Huizhou merchants' family education. 因而,商业教育成为明清徽商家庭教育的一项重要内容。
- First the connection between Huizhou Merchant business bodies and clans can be found from their business activities. 首先,从徽商商业活动中,可以发现徽商的商业体与家族之间的关联。
- It was Huizhou merchants who generation after generation accumulated large fortunes and then spent them on the land of Huizhou. 正是这些徽商,一代代积攒起巨额的财富,然后又将他们全部的财富消化在徽州这片故土上。
- It was Huizhou merchants who, generation after generation, accumulated large fortunes and then spent them on the land of Huizhou. 正是这些徽商,一代代积攒起巨额的财富,然后又将他们全部的财富消化在徽州这片故土上。
- The formation of the ten great commercial factions represented by Huizhou Merchants meant the growth of a new social force ander the traditional system was irresistible. 他们既是在厚重的传统体制和传统文化背景上生成、发展起来的,因而在经济伦理关系以及观念上,存在着浓重的传统印记;
- The Huizhou patriarchal clan promoted the agriculture economy development and commercial"s prosperity which done by Huizhou merchant. 徽州宗族促进了小农经济的发展、徽商经济的繁荣;
- There are a lot of d different images of Huizhou merchants in the novels of Ming and Qing, among which the two images of being avaricious and accommodating are typical. 摘要明清小说中有众多不同的徽商形象描写,其中以“贪财吝啬”和“乐施助人”两种形象最为典型。
- The Ziyang Academy of Hankou contributed to both the development of commercial economy in the late feudal period and reflected the commom character of Huizhou merchants who both "traded and felt enthusiasm for Confucianism". 汉口紫阳书院是我国封建社会后期商业经济发展和徽州商人“贾而好儒”的产物,从汉口紫阳书院的创建、功能以及经费的操作和管理当中可以看出明清商人书院与传统书院的不同特点。 这样的特点主要表现为,首先,汉口紫阳书院是由商人集资兴建的。
- The Rise of Huizhou Merchants of Anhui Province 论徽商之堀起
- the Ming and Qing Dynasties Huizhou merchants 明清徽商
- Memorial archway culture and Huizhou Merchant 牌坊文化与徽州商人
- Honest merchants do not do in their customers. 诚实的商人不欺骗他们的顾客。
- Chaos Cansed by War is the Major Cause of the Declining of Huizhou Merchants 战乱是徽商衰败的主要原因
- Huizhou Merchants in Jiangnan Region Food Market in Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清徽商与江南粮食市场
- He used to be a timber merchant. 他曾是一个木材商。
- The merchant had received a shipment of tea. 这个商人收到了一船茶叶。
- Clan mode and its surpass on Huizhou merchants during the Ming and Qing period 明清徽州商人的家族观念及其超越
- The merchant supplies goods to them. 商人向他们供应货物。
- Gemini the twins--A Comparative study of Huizhou merchants and Shanxi merchants 双子星座:徽商、晋商比较研究