- Solar collecting performance of Trombe wall has important effect on that of Trombe passive solar house. 特朗贝墙体的集热性能对特朗贝墙式被动式太阳能建筑的热性能具有重要影响。
- Analytical Study on the Solar Collecting Performance of the Trombe Wall in Winter 特朗贝墙体冬季集热性能的计算及预测
- solar collecting performance 集热性能
- A sample event is used to collect performance data at the specified interval. 样本事件用于按指定间隔收集性能数据。
- PerfMonDisp. Dll also handles the DLL entry points that the performance monitoring system requires to collect performance monitoring data. PerfMonDisp.;dll还处理性能监视系统收集性能监视数据所需的DLL入口点。
- The interval you choose determines how frequently the performance tools will interrupt the execution of your application to collect performance data. 您选择的间隔将决定性能工具中断应用程序的执行以便收集性能数据的频率。
- Technical activity requires regular site visits to analyze usage conditions, collect performance data and provide the customer with product recommendations. 技术活动包括定期现场视察、分析轮胎使用情况、收集数据、为客户提供有关产品建议。
- Study is carried out on the separation of harmful solar spectrum in the solar collection system consisting of lens and light pipe. 本文针对以透镜为采光系统,导光管为传光系统的太阳能采光系统进行有害光谱分离的研究。
- The Workload Data Collection custom script is used during a workload run to collect performance data from the server under test. Workload Data Collection自定义脚本用于在工作负载运行期间从所测试的伺服器处收集效能资料。
- Is a collection of tools for tracking the garbage collection performance of your application. 是一组跟踪您应用程序的垃圾收集性能的工具。
- A performance counter is the means by which Windows collects performance data on various system resources. 性能计数器是Windows收集不同系统资源上性能数据的方法。
- I know that the modem wushu is divided into five categories: fist,weapons exercise,combat,collective performance,and attack and defense. 我知道,现代武术分为:拳术、器械练习、对练、集体表演和攻防技术五类。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- Annie: I know that the modem wushu is divided into five categories: fist, weapons exercise, combat, collective performance, and attack and defense. 安妮:我知道,现代武术分为:拳术、器械练习、对练、集体表演和攻防技术五类。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- We can use solar energy to do many things today. 如今,我们可以利用太阳能做很多事情。
- How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps? 吉姆爱好集邮有多长时间?
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- They accurately predicted solar eclipses. 他们精确地预告了日蚀。