- This paper expatiates the operating principle of solar energy hot water supplying system that combines the fix temperature supplying water and assistant calefaction. 介绍了解放军总后勤部某宾馆太阳能热水洗浴系统,重点阐述了太阳能定温放水与电辅助加热相结合的热水供应系统的运行原理,总结了系统设计应注意的问题。
- In combination with the characteristics of lager-scale systems on LiBr absorption refrigeration,use the hot water of solar energy hot water units as heating source. 对溴化锂吸收式制冷机进行动态仿真可以了解其动态特性,进而实现优化设计,利于节能节材目标的实现。
- housing centralism solar energy hot water system 住宅集中式太阳能热水系统
- Solar Energy Hot Water System and Building Integrated Project 太阳能与建筑一体化的实践
- Inquiry into the application of solar energy hot water system in living quarters 居住小区太阳能热水系统应用探讨
- solar energy hot water 太阳能热水
- solar energy hot water system 太阳能热水系统
- The boilers work at the off-peak period and the solar energy system warms-up the domestic hot water so to save operating costs and achieve high energy usage. 电锅炉在低谷电时段运行,太阳能系统对生活热水进行预热,节省了运行费用,达到了较高的能源利用率。
- To devote major efforts to promote energy solar utilization, 3MW solar cells will be constructed in Olympic Park as a demonstrating project, where 90% hot water produced by solar energy. 大力推进太阳能利用,实施光伏发电示范工程,在奥运公园内实现光伏发电3兆瓦,同时实现90%25的生活热水由太阳能加热。
- To devote major efforts to promote energy solar utilization,3MW solar cells will be constructed in Olympic Park as a demonstrating project,where 90% hot water produced by solar energy. 大力推进太阳能利用,实施光伏发电示范工程,在奥运公园内实现光伏发电3兆瓦,同时实现90%25的生活热水由太阳能加热。
- solar energy central hot water system 太阳能集中热水系统
- Heat pump central hot water system of the solar energy 太阳能热泵中央热水系统
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- the solar energy - heat pump center hot water system 太阳能-热泵中央热水系统
- We can use solar energy to do many things today. 如今,我们可以利用太阳能做很多事情。
- He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演。
- She poured hot water from the thermos. 她从热水瓶倒出热水。
- My main gripe is, there's no hot water there. 我主要不满的是,那儿没有热水。
- The scientist is thinking of a new way of tapping the solar energy. 科学家正在设想一种新的利用太阳能的方法。
- It is annoying that there is no hot water. 没热水,真伤脑筋。