- sold like wildfirev. 销售很快
- sell like wildfire [hot cakes] 畅销
- The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes. 那部新出版的美国小说是市场上的畅销货。
- sell like wildfirevi. 销售很快
- No, there aren't any left. They sold like hot cakes! 没有啦,都卖完了。丝衣很好销。
- His new book has been shifting like wildfire. 他的新书一直十分畅销。
- The news of victory spread like wildfire. 胜利的消息不胫而走。
- It must go rapidly like wildfire. 那必须像野火一样快。
- Our work onthe new bridge went ahead like wildfire. 我们的建桥工程如火如荼地开展起来了。
- Cholera spread like wildfire through the camps. 霍乱在营地里迅速传播。
- So the conflict spread like wildfire. 冲突犹如野火蔓延开来。
- His new book has been shifting like wildfire. 他的新书一直十分畅销。
- Word spread like wildfire across the city. 消息像野火一样在城里蔓延开。
- The new models of VCD sell like fun. 这些新型的VCD机销路好得不得了。
- No,there aren't any left. They sold like hot cakes! 没有啦,都卖完了。丝衣很好销。
- Our work on the new bridge went ahead like wildfire. 我们的建桥工程如火如荼地开展起来了。
- Why is FAW truck sold like hot cakes? 解放卡车何以热销?
- Tickets that sold like a house afire. 电影票顷刻间销售一空。
- The rumours spread like wildfire from mouth to mouth in that town. 谣言在那个小城镇像野火般地传开了。
- Slaves could be bought and sold like horses. 奴隶可以像马匹那样买卖。