- Our sole purpose in life is to seek the God within. 我们人生在世唯一的目的就是要了解内在的上帝。
- What's your sole purpose in this army? 你到部队来干什么?
- His sole purpose in life is to get rich. 他生活的唯一目的就是要家财万贯。。
- The sole purpose of shackles was to prevent escape. 拴住唯一的目的,当然是为了防止他们逃跑。
- It is not the sole purpose of law to protect individual liberty. 保护个人自由并不是法律的唯一目的。
- The sole purpose of this statute is to promote mining. 这项法令的唯一目的就是要促进矿业开采。
- Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army? 阿甘!你从军的目的是什么?
- My sole purpose is to help you. 我唯一的目的是帮助你。
- Our sole purpose has been to find mutually acceptable solutions to disputes. 我们就是要找出一个能为各方所接受的方式,使问题得到解决。
- Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker. 人群中的发问者们问了些不相干的问题,只是为了难住发言人。
- Sometimes,there are even those,mostly young,who go to parties for the sole purpose of getting drunk,trashed,plastered,totaled. 有时候,甚至还有一些人,大多数是年轻人,参加聚会的惟一目的就是喝个酩酊大醉,一醉方休。
- Animals breeding in these so-called "factories" is carried out for the sole purpose of being fattened and served up as food on a dining table. 在所谓“工厂”里繁衍的牲畜,唯一的生存目的只是养肥了被送上桌去而已。
- Many rockets have been launched for the sole purpose of learning something about our earth and universe. 许多火箭的发射只是为了获悉有关地球和宇宙的某些情况。
- Its sole purpose was to serve as a delivery mechanism for missiles armed with particle disintegrator warheads. 这个巨型炮管的唯一用途就是作为配备有粒子分解弹头的导弹的传送装置。
- If necessary,you can add another machine to the cell with the sole purpose of running additional dce server. 如果需要,你可以把其它机器添加到单元上,其唯一的目的是运行另外的DCE服务器。
- It is necessary to master Marxist theory and apply it, master it for the sole purpose of applying it. 对于马克思主义的理论,要能够精通它、应用它,精通的目的全在于应用。
- Backup operators can override security restrictions for the sole purpose of backing up or restoring files. 备份操作员仅在出于备份或还原文件目的时才可以重写安全限制。
- Facelets knows about the JSF component tree, and its sole purpose in life is to build that component tree. Facelets知道JSF组件树,它的唯一目的就是构建这个组件树。
- It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. 你存在的惟一目的可能仅仅是充当其他人的前车之鉴。
- We knew that was the sole purpose of coming to a retreat here, so our levels were uplifted and our karma left behind. 我们那个时候知道来这里为了专心突破等级,所以等级会提高,把业障留在后面。