- Oil and truth get uppermost at last. 油脂必定水面浮,真理最终占上风。
- Now tell me if you will keep faith and truth with my master. 现在请告诉我,你们是否愿意以诚信待我主人,与他联姻。
- Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and truth. 让我们不要在文字上、口头上空谈爱情,而要实际的、真正的相爱。
- Please print or write clearly and truthfully. 打印或填写。
- You're not fat Molly, you're solid and cuddly. “莫利你不胖,你结实而可爱。”
- He had a hunger after knowledge and truth. 他渴求知识和真理。
- His advice was always solid and practical. 他的建议总是有根有据,切合实际。
- At net the O3 White feels solid and comfortable. 在网前,O3白色的感觉非常的坚固和舒适。
- A lie stands on one leg,and truth on two. 谎言单腿站;真理双脚立。
- I am Macho OX, solid and trusty. 我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。
- I hunger for knowledge and truth. 我渴望知识和真理。
- Switches between solid and wireframe modes. 之间切换固体和线框模式。
- And truth be told, you didn't even allege it. 而且事实已经明确了,你甚至都没有宣称这一点。
- Twenty-six tumors were solid and 6 were cavitary. 26 个肿瘤是固体的,6 个是有空洞的。
- A lie stands on one leg, and truth on two. 谎言单腿站;真理双脚立。
- He preached error up, and truth down. 他宣扬谬误,诋毁真理。
- Azure or blue - Loyalty and truth. 蓝色-忠诚与真理。
- Every story has three sides: His, hers and truth. 每一个故事都有三面:他的,她的和真相。
- When water freezes it become solid and we call it ice. 水遇冷凝结,称之为冰。
- He answered frankly and truthfully all my questions. 他坦率而真诚地回答了我的所有问题。