- A few years back you could see nothing but barren land there. 数年前人们在那儿所能看到的只是荒野。
- some few years back 几年以前
- We were in a relationship a few years back. 几年前我们谈过恋爱。
- A few years back, I said that we hoped to make some very large purchases in the utility field. 早在几年之前,我曾说我们希望能够在公用事业上进行一些规模非常巨大的投资。
- Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling theirfrenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. 那些执掌权柄的狂人所奉为经典的,也只不过是多年前末流学者的思想碎片而已。
- Only a few years back we would be taking grain to market on a carrying-pole. 就在几年前,我们还用扁担挑粮食到市场上去。
- Shortly after Mohawks become fashionable for even conservative Americans to wear.This has angered some people who were on the fringe of society a few years back when they had Mohawks . 不久后,就连相对保守的美国人也认为鸡冠头很时尚,惹得部分几年前被视为社会边缘人的鸡冠头爱好者相当不悦。
- I continued this method some few years, but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diffidence. 这种方法我连续用了几年,后来就逐渐抛弃,只保留了谦恭的不作肯定表述的习惯。
- We need only to cast our memory a few years back to realise how many historical landmarks had vanished from our landscape. 想想这些年来,一些有保留价值的古建筑,最终还是逃不过被“处决”的命运,怎能让我们放心?
- I remember watching a movie a few years back in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted nightcap. 前几年我看过一部电影。剧中人物问另一个人物要不要来睡前喝一杯。
- There is a popular phrase coined a few years back in the US, "I'm not going there". 前几年,美国有句流行的顺口溜:“I' m not going there.;”(即“我不要到那儿去。”)
- Few years back, a British lady who was tricked to prostitute herself in Japan, tried to runaway. 几年前,有嗰英国妹被骗去日本做妓女,距试图逃走。
- Remember those pesky browser wars from a few years back and how nothing worked the same across browsers? 还记得几年前的那些讨厌的浏览器战争吗?没有一样东西在不同的浏览器上得到同样的结果。
- A few years back, the researchers also identified a crisis that legions of coffee drinkers never knew they had. 几年前,研究者还发现了危机军团咖啡喝从来不知道他们出了问题。
- I remember watching a movie a few years back in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted a nightcap. 前几年我看过一部电影,剧中人物问另一个人物要不要来个"nightcap"。
- A few years back he routinely found bighorn ewes and lambs munching and frolicking on the manicured parkways. 几年前他在修剪草地的车道上还能规律性地看到母加拿大角羊带着小羊羔在大声咀嚼和嬉戏玩耍。
- His botnet was controlled via IRC (internet relay chat) systems, which was also common a few years back, said Gutmann. 他的僵尸网络控制通过的IRC (互联网接力聊天)系统,这也是共同几年回来,说古特曼。
- So much for the so-called paperless office which everyone was writing all-staff memos about a few years back. 非常为大家是文字所有职员备忘录关于几岁月后面的所谓的无纸传输信息处。
- Clearly Austen started to become a brand with all those Austen films of a few years back. 很明显,通过近几年拍摄的奥斯汀作品的影片,奥斯汀已开始成为一种品牌。
- Her trip to Manila a few years back is probably one of the most memorable events for singer-songwriter Lala. 几年在马尼拉(菲律宾首都)的旅居生活,是这位唱作歌手最难忘的经历。