- sonic logging while drilling 随钻声波测井
- The pencil tool models "logging while drilling" where the logging tool is integrated into the drill pipe. 铅笔测井工具正是模仿了这种将测井工具集成到钻杆上的“钻探同步测井”方法。
- The main characteristic of LWD (Logging While Drilling) is drilling and logging at the same time. 无线随钻测井主要特点是边钻进边测井,在完成钻井任务的同时完成测井任务。
- Its main surveying system is consisted of a GST sub, LWD (Logging While Drilling ),and MWD (Measuring While Drilling ). 1997年南海东部陆丰22-1油田开发水平井应用了该系统,收到了良好的效果。
- Logging while drilling is a relatively new logging technology developed in recent years and its advantage is logging while drilling(LWD). 随钻测井主要特点是边钻边测,在完成钻井任务的同时完成测井任务,解决了常规电缆测井无法施工的高难度井的测井问题。
- Formation lithology interpretation of logging while drilling(LWD) is an important problem in geosteering of horizontal well drilling. 随钻测井地层岩性解释的准确性直接影响水平井地质导向钻井的作业质量,地层岩性判别错误会直接导致钻探工作的失利。
- LWD(logging while drilling)is the logging technique which can complete the real time measure-ment of information while drilling. 随钻测井是在钻开地层的同时实时测量地层信息的一种测井技术。
- This paper introduces recent advance in wireline logging and logging while drilling (LWD) technology, and also formulates the features and structure of some tools. 摘要本文介绍了近几年国外电缆测井技术和随钻测井技术方面的新进展,并对部分仪器的特点、结构等做了阐述。
- Intense electromagnetic interference while drilling prevents traditional analog phase sensitive demodulation(APSD) from correctly acquiring electromagnetic wave signal of logging while drilling(LWD). 钻进时产生的强烈电磁干扰使传统的模拟相敏检波(APSD)方法无法准确获取随钻测井的电磁波信号。
- logging while drilling apparatus 随铭测井仪
- resistivity well logging while drilling 随钻电阻率测井
- Logging While Drilling Acoustic Measurement in Unconsolidated Slow Formations 疏松慢地层中随钻声波测井技术
- Design and implementation of data transmission system on logging while drilling 地质导向随钻测量数据实时远传系统的设计与实现
- Schlumberger pushes out new generation Scope service of logging while drilling 斯伦贝谢推出新一代Scope随钻服务
- Depth of investigation in sonic logging is studied based on wave acoustics. 从波动声学的角度讨论声波测井的探测深度问题。
- The sonic logging data and seismic data are wildly used in the log-seismic prospecting while there are some differences between them because of the principle of their acquisition. 声波测井资料和地震数据在井震联合勘探中发挥了重要的作用,由于采集机制的不同使得两者存在着一定的差异。
- Multipole array sonic logging tools have widely been employed in Chinese oilfields in recent years. 几年来,多极组合声波测井仪已广泛应用于中国各油田。
- AFF( acoustic formation factor) equation is an effective porosity interpretation model using sonic logging data. 声波地层因素)程是利用声波时差资料求取地层孔隙度的一种有效的解释模型。
- In this paper, a new acoustic transducer of SBT sonic logging tool is introduced. 测井仪器有不同的种类,使用的测量原理、刻度方法和测量手段也各不相同。