- There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
- sonorous rhonchus [医] 鼾性罗音
- The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church. 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
- Sonorous singing came from the distance. 从远处传来高亢的歌声。
- Sonorous bugle aroused everyone from sleep. 嘹亮的号声将每个人从睡梦中唤醒。
- Mr. Kenge spoke in a sonorous voice. 肯吉先生用一种抑扬顿挫的声调谈论着。
- Their sonorous songs attracted a lot of passers-by. 高亢的歌声引来了许多围观的人。
- The piano produced a sonorous and pleasant melody. 钢琴声铿锵悦耳。
- He was chosen as a broadcaster for his round and sonorous voice. 他因为嗓音圆润洪亮而被选为播音员。
- It was possible that the sweetly sonorous hymns stimulated me. 这洪亮悦耳的圣歌是能够刺激我的。
- His firm, sonorous, and unexpected voice made every one start. 他这坚决,响亮和出人意外的声音使人人都吃了一惊。
- How beautiful, how fluent and how sonorous is the English Language! 英语是多么响亮、多么流利和多么美丽的语言啊!
- The fishermen's work song in Qidong is sonorous and forceful. 啟东的渔家号子雄壮有力。
- The sonorous voice of the priest resoundedin the church. 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
- This poem reads sonorous.; This poem is both majestic and sonorous. 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。
- The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the room. 那位演讲人洪亮的声音在室内回荡。
- His ecstatic declamation of the sonorous rhythm was enough for me. 他朗诵时的那种洪亮的节奏,那种心醉神迷,对我已足够了。
- Northern opera is defined by very loud and sonorous singing. 北方的梆子腔高亢嘹亮。
- He was continually giving vent to a hearty, sonorous, unshared laugh. 他还时常发出一阵愉快、响亮、干脆的笑声。
- These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of Bartram. 这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。