- The company is now on a sound financial footing. 该公司现在已是资金稳健。
- The feast has certainly fared better, being on a sound financial footing. 如果经济基础良好,这个节日一定会办得更好。
- put an enterprise on a sound financial footing 把企业置於稳固的经济基础上
- sound financial footing 可靠的经费基础
- As hedge-fund clients began yanking their money from Lehman, the firm assured them it was on solid financial footing. 在对冲基金客户开始从雷曼撤出资金之时,雷曼向他们保证说自己的财务状况良好。
- Franchisers generally use a number of methods to make sure the franchisee is on firm financial footing. 特许授予者通常会采取一系列方法,来证实被授权的特许经营商是处于资金稳定的社会关系中。
- First and foremost because for years we have practised very prudent sound financial policies. 首要因素是,我们过去多年一直奉行十分审慎完善的理财政策。
- This would make it easier for the government to bolster the financial footing of these companies without allocating any new money. 这使得政府无需分派新的资金也能支持这些公司的经济基础变得更加容易了。
- I can assure you that we have a sound financial standing. You can consult our banks, the ICBC, Fuzhou. 我可以向您保证我们的财务状况非常好。你可以到我们的银行询问一下,即福州的中国银行。
- That's the challenge you o face,but the effort will pay off as you see your kids develop a respect for the work ethic and a sound financial sense. 这是你面临的挑战,但是在你看到你的孩子养成了对职业道德的尊重和良好的金融意识时,你的努力就得到了回报。
- That's the challenge you o face, but the effort will pay off as you see your kids develop a respect for the work ethic and a sound financial sense. 这是你面临的挑战,但是在你看到你的孩子养成了对职业道德的尊重和良好的金融意识时,你的努力就得到了回报。
- SATDA aims to only admit quality organizations with sound financial histories, good management experience and references from bankers, customers and suppliers. SATDA的目标仅仅只是接纳在银行、客户和供应商们有着良好的金融历史,高品质管理经验的组织机构。
- Maintain a sound financial system to ensure an accurate, timely and complete financial report and analysis which supports the Management in taking all relevant decisions. 维护一个良好的财务体系以确保一个准确、及时和完整的可支持管理层决策的财务分析报表所有相关决策的制定。
- Which companies do you believe have the soundest financial position in China? 财务状况最健全的公司
- I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in guoerument, business or personal affairs. 我相信勤俭是井然有序的生活之必需,而节约是健全的金融体制之根本,无论政务、业务、个人事务都是如此。
- Found in a mature and sound financial experts, as found in a never-ending gold mining, sustained and steady earnings will your assets to a multiple of geometric growth. 发现一位成熟稳健的理财专家,就如同发现了一座采不完的金矿,持续稳定地盈利将使你的资产以几何倍数增长。
- I believe that thrift is essential to wellordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure,whether in government,business or personal affairs. 我相信 俭朴是井然有序的生活所必须;节约是健全的财务结构之必要,不论是政府、企业或个人事物皆是如此。
- The reform of China's financial system aims to establish a modern financial system in conformity with a Chinese-type socialist market economy and a sound financial order. 中国金融体制改革的目标是建立符合中国特色社会主义市场经济的现代金融体系和良好的金融秩序。
- I believe that thrift is essential to well ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government business or personal affairs. 我相信节俭是生活井然有序的基础;无论在政府事务还是在个人私事中,节约都是财务结构健全的首要条件。
- I believe that thrift is essential to wellordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure,whether in government,bussiness or personal affairs. 我相信俭朴是井然有序的生活所需;节俭是健全的财务结构的必要,无论是政府,公司,还是个人,都是如此。