- sound power of a source 声源功率
- The full path of a source backup file. 源备份文件的完整路径。
- Never underestimate the power of a woman. 决不要低估妇女的力量。
- The right or power of a state to enforce the law. 司法权国家执行法律的权力
- The crown is emblematic of power of a king. 王冠是国王权力的象征。
- The powers of a judge are defined by law. 法官的权限是由法律规定的。
- The power of a leader's moral character. 领导品格的力量。
- Never underestimate the power of a dream! 永远不要低估梦想的威力!
- Never underestimating the power of a woman. 绝不低估女性的能力。
- Calculates the integral power of a base value. 计算基数的整数幂。
- The third power of a number or quantity. 立方某一数或量的三次幂
- Gou runs Hon Hai with the power of a warlord. 他右手腕上戴著一串念珠?这是他从一处成吉思汗庙中得来的。
- Never underestimate the power of a purr. 不要低估了娇弱之声的力量。
- The power of a smile is irresistible. 微笑的力量是不可抵挡的。
- She's channeling the power of a god, you dolt. |她的力量来自于神,你这个傻屄。
- Creating a source control repository is kind of a special event. 创建一个源码库是有点特殊的情况。
- For today's patients, Pasteur is an example of a source of hope. 对当今的病人来说,巴斯德的范例是希望的源泉。”
- Director who attend board meetings, but do not enjoy the full power of a director. 参加董事会会议但不完全享受董事权力的董事。
- Once the power of a computer is turned on, all the behaviors are under the control of CPU. 计算机一旦通电运行,则所有的行为都要在它的控制之下运行。
- There he experiences,firsthand,the power of a hi-tech weapon. 在那里,邦德亲自体验了一种高科技武器的威力。