- Gets the sound associated with the Beep program event in the current Windows sound scheme. 获取与当前Windows声音方案中的Beep程序事件关联的声音。
- Change the sound scheme for your computer, or configure the settings for your speakers and recording devices. 更改计算机的声音方案,或者配置扬声器和录音设备的设置。
- Under Sound scheme, click Save As, and then type a name for the new sound scheme. 在“声音方案”下,单击“另存为”,然后键入新声音方案的名称。
- A Sound Scheme is a set of sounds applied to events in Windows and programs. Choose a scheme from the list below. 音响设计是一组应用于Windows和程序中的事件的音响。请从以下列表中选择一个设计。
- Click the Sounds tab, and then, under Sound Scheme, select the sound scheme you want to use. 单击“声音”选项卡,然后在“声音方案”下,选择要使用的声音方案。
- If you make changes to the individual sounds in a sound scheme, you can save the changes by saving a new sound scheme. 如果对声音方案中的单个声音进行更改,则可以通过保存新的声音方案来保存更改。
- Windows comes with several sound schemes that play for common program events. Windows附带几种为常用程序事件播放的声音方案。
- Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Sounds Tab > Sound Scheme to None. 开始-设置-控制面板-声音和音频设备-声音-声音方案选择无
- To change sounds, click a program event in the following list and then select a sound to apply. You can save the changes as a new sound scheme. 要改变声音,请单击下列表中的程序事件然后选择声音。您可将更改保存为新声音方案。
- A sound scheme is a set of sounds applied to events in Windows and programs. You can select an existing scheme or save one you have modified. 声音方案是应用于Windows和程序事件中的一组声音。请选择一个现有方案或保存您已经更改的方案。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- I should lie off if I were you, his scheme doesn't seem sound. 我要是你就不参加了,他的计划似乎不妥当。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。
- I quivered with fear at the sound. 我听见那种声音就吓得发抖。
- Her mouth open and shut, but no sound come out. 她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
- I have got accustomed to noisy sound. 我已习惯于嘈杂声音。