- Performance in May at South Gate Space! 南门空间五月演出消息!
- South Gate Inoculation and Immunization Clinical Dept. 南门医院预防接种门诊。
- Pass through the big torii, the next door is "The South Gate of Meijijingu". 跟20岁的可人儿来个大合照,大家也很开心呢,祝成人节快乐!
- Pump room intact, at the south gate of Chestwood signs have been defaced. 水泵房完好无损,可位于翠湖南门的指示牌却遭人污损。
- South Gate Campus Address: Xuzhou City, Azusa Street, 10 on the 1st. 校本部南校门地址:苏州市十梓街1号。
- Outside the south gate of Beihai Park is an ancient round garden architecture, over 800 years old. 团城,在北海公园南门外,是一座圆台式的古老园林建筑,已有800多年的历史。
- East Gate of Tsinghua University prohibit non-college car entering. South Gate and West Gate permit. 清华东门禁止非校内车辆进入。南门和西门可以进入。
- North Gate has builtweng cheng , with stones piled South Gate, Gate built on the gatehouse. 北堡门筑有瓮城,南堡门用石块砌成,堡门上建门楼。
- Chong Zheng Qing Palace is due south gate, as Wende Corner outside the East, West Square for the martial arts. 崇政殿正南是大清门,门外东为文德坊、西为武功坊。
- Tsinghua Wudaokou South Gate, Jade Bird fitness under the big brands, there is outdoor supplies shop. 五道口清华南门,青鸟健身大牌子底下,有个户外用品店。
- Hequ county seat is located 35 km southeast of the village outside the South Gate of the Jiuxian. 位于河曲县城东南35公里处的旧县村南门外。
- China Tower is located in the city of Zhengding South Gate, also known as Hui Guang Temple pagoda and more. 砖塔坐落在正定城内西南街,又名开元寺须弥塔,始建于东魏兴和二年,唐乾宁五年重修,现仍保留唐塔的特征。
- Located in Baoding city 62 kilometers southwest of the south gate of Dingzhou city in the east. 位于保定市区裕华东路西段路北。因明宣德年间重修,又称宣德楼。成化年间修葺时改名干云楼。俗称钟楼。
- The lot for the South Gate fell to Obed-Edom, and the lot for the storehouse fell to his sons. 俄别以东守南门,他的儿子守库房。
- A student was badly beaten by three soldiers at dusk near the city's South Gate, while a policeman looked on from the sidelines, afraid to intervene. 有一天傍晚,一个“高师”学生在南门被三个兵士包围痛打,警察看见也不敢说一句话。
- It is 3 kilometres away from the train station, Anyone who wants to get here can take Bus No. 16 to the Large South Gate. 距离火车站3公里,公交车16路大南门站下车。
- Then he brought me into the inner court through the south gate, and he measured the south gate; it had the same measurements as the others. 他带我从南门到内院,就照先前的尺寸量南门。
- Yuci known as "the south gate of Taiyuan", "provincial capital portal" called, in Shanxi Province are important transportation hub. 榆次素有“太原南大门”、“省城门户”之称,是山西省交通运输的重要枢纽。
- After the removal of the south gate and the House, has unearthed two large formolongi giant, which is ancient unmanning Cheng witness. 后在拆除南门和阁时,曾出土了两台巨型的大铁炮,这是古代驻兵守城的见证。
- Then, within a triple-gate, also known as the south gate, but the ride east south, coupons on the embedded "Purple Cypriot Jincheng" words. 再内是三重门,又称南门,但坐东朝南,券上嵌有“紫塞金城”四字。