- Entire South Central Tibet (Centered with City of Xigaze) worship Panchen Lama only, as well as we who are from Eastern Tibet only believe NyingMa Sect, the Red Hat. 中南藏区(以江孜市为中心)只信奉班禅喇嘛, 而我们东藏区的人, 只信宁玛派, 红教。
- Frost and low flying fog are more than likely in South Eastern regions. 霜和低罩的雾很可能出现在东南部地区。
- Kham-A province in eastern Tibet where the Kagyu lineage enjoyed great popularity. 康。西藏东部的省份,噶居派在此盛行。
- The First Dodrupchen brought the Longchen Nyingthig teachings from Central Tibet to Kham and Amdo.He propageted the teachings all over Eastern Tibet. 第一世多智钦将龙钦宁提法门从卫藏(西藏中部)传至康藏和安多,并将此法门弘遍东藏。
- Wang, L., Shao, X. M., and Huang, L. Temperature reconstruction from Tree-ring Width and Density of Balfour Spruce in Changdu, Eastern Tibet, China. 王丽丽;邵雪梅;黄磊.;黑龙江漠河兴安落叶松与樟子松树轮生长特性及其对气候的响应
- However, in eastern Tibet, the river ice has yet to melt, eastern Tibet doll's face is still dragging their nose, had the wind is still cold boning. 请更多的爱心人士来关注这群孩子们吧,在自己所在的圈子内着重推荐一下关于“藏东小朋友们”的报道吧,让我们大家一起来帮助我们的兄弟姊妹们,把爱播洒到世界的每一个角落。
- The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe"is another guideline document in the West after the Nato new doctrine. 《东南欧稳定公约》是继北约新战略之后的又一篇西方的“纲领性文件”。
- Triassic strata with more than 10000 m in thickness are dominated by marine sed iments in northern Three_River area of eastern Tibet. 位于西藏东部的三江地区北部累计厚度达10000余米的三叠系以海相沉积为主,由碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和火山岩的一种或两种占优势的组分构成。
- Hakodate, a small hill standing on a cape by the south eastern edge of the city. 由于函馆山位于一狭长海岬的尖端,因此回望市区时市区左右两侧都会被海水包围,是非常少见的独特景致。
- Tibet declared itself independent of China almost 100 years ago but then in 1950,under Chairman Mao's orders, Chinese troops invaded eastern Tibet. 西藏宣布它的独立已经将近100年了。但后来,在1950年,在毛泽东的领导下,中国军队侵略了位于东方的西藏。
- Triassic strata with more than 10000 m in thickness are dominated by marine sediments in northern Three-River area of eastern Tibet. 摘要位于西藏东部的三江地区北部累计厚度达10000馀米的三叠系以海相沈积为主,由碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和火山岩的一种或两种占优势的组分构成。
- Nyingchi sounds on the interesting, perhaps it is located in eastern Tibet owes something to the Tibetan people since it had imaginative names. 林芝听上去就有趣,或许是它位于西藏东部的缘故吧,藏族人为它起了个富有想像力的名字。
- Kangaroo Ridge is the quintessential Aussie wine, with rich flavors harnessed from the sunny vineyard regions of South Eastern Australia. 袋鼠山酒园堪称澳大利亚葡萄酒中的经典之作,东南澳大利亚阳光普照的葡萄园造就了其丰饶的口味。
- On the snowy plateau of Eastern Tibet stands six spectacular peaks.Tibetan call them the Mountain of Six Peaks which pronounces as Mt.Tsedrug. 在藏东的雪域高原上,耸立着六座 美丽而奇特的山峰,西藏人称之为 "六峰山",音译过来就是孜珠山。
- The Company sells timber to third parties from its timberland in the south eastern United States that it manages to maximize long term value. 利用美国东南部的木材资源,公司向第三方销售木材,以期将长远利益最大化。
- Produced from grapes grown in the south eastern valleys of France,this soft,medium bodied red wine offers berry-fruit flavours and soft tannins. 从在法国的谷东南部中被栽种的葡萄,这柔软生产,萣生熟的身体红酒提议草莓类植物-成果的滋味和软式单宁酸。
- This article makes a systematic research in gemological characteristics of the uvarovite crystal and points out its commercial prospect of the gem quality in eastern Tibet. 作者对该矿区钙铬榴石晶体的宝石学特征进行了系统的研究,指出了西藏东部宝石级钙铬榴石晶体的应用前景。
- South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service - Lists key contracts, hospitals and facilities, publications and public health alerts. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The geomorphic characteristics of the Eastern Tibet Plateau, where geomorphic units include Mount Longmen, Mount Gongga, Mount Emei, Mount Luoji, Mount Yulong, etc. 包括龙门山、贡嘎山、峨眉山、螺髻山、玉龙山等在内的青藏高原东缘,峡谷深切,山势险峻,极高山雪峰林立,海洋性冰川活跃。
- They also suggest that activity on the margin-parallel faults in eastern Tibet may represent a significant seismic hazard to the densely populated Sichuan Basin. "他们还建议:藏东的边缘平行断层的活动对于人口稠密的四川盆地可能代表着重大的地震危险.;"