- space arrangement and display 空间布局
- It can be manufactured in different luster and tone. You can choose the series on the basis of the different space arrangements and main style. 可以设计加工成不同的光感和色调,可以根据不同的空间布局、主体格调、光线组合及软装饰搭配等因素选择相应的系列。
- Click Arrangement and select Mirror Displays. 点按“排列”,然后选择“镜像显示器”。
- Arrangement and steps of whole planing. 整个毕业创作的进度安排,步骤。
- The arrangement and appearance of printed matter. 印刷排版和表面式样
- It has feet arrangement and flange arrangement. 备有地脚安装和法兰安装形式。
- To retrieve and display a string resource. 来检索并显示一个字符串资源。
- I snatched the balloon from the arrangement and stormed outside. 我从花束上把气球拽了下来,冲出门去。
- This is a pay and display car park. 此停车场自动交费并张贴票据。
- Please ensure that you have paid and display. 请确保已买票并张贴。
- Manages the keyboard, mouse and display device. 管理键盘,鼠标和显示设备。
- The system can reserve and display the DVP. 系统能够实现对脉搏波的存储与显示等基本功能。
- Arrangement and production style,as of a magazine or book. 印刷品排列或制作的式样,如杂志或书籍
- Obey job arrangement and have strong mind-set of responsibility. 服从工作安排而且有较强的工作责任心。
- Motorists are advised to note this arrangement and drive with care. 驾驶人士请备悉这安排并小心驾驶。
- We entered into an arrangement and you disarranged it. 我们达成了协议,你却把它毁了。
- Thank You, Master, for Your arrangement and unlimited love. 感谢师父的安排和无边的爱!
- Arrangement and production style, as of a magazine or book. 印刷品排列或制作的式样,如杂志或书籍
- When frustrated, you may become abusive and display much temper. 当烦躁时,你可以变得粗鲁及乱发脾气。
- We'll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst. 我们还按我们的计划办事,他们想怎么使坏就随他们便吧。