- Note: Internal differences to the E variant in the code. 注:在代码上与E变种的内部有所不同。)
- Marked theme is an unmarked variant in a given context. 摘要标记主位是一定语境下的非标记主位的变体。
- The dial index will rotate in azimuth, giving an incorrect heading reading. 读数示标会绕方位轴转动,给出不正确的航向读数。
- The error in azimuth must be controlled by astronomical observations for azimuth(and longit ude). 方位误差必须观测天文方位角(及经度)来控制。
- Researchers found that a particular variant in a gene linked to fat metabolism may help fight flab around the middle. 科学家发现,一种与脂肪代谢有关的基因特殊变体能够帮助人们对抗“中年发福”的现象。
- In vitro selection and physiological and biochemical analyses of methionine-resistant variant in Astragalus cicer L. 鹰嘴紫云英抗甲硫氨酸变异系离体筛选及鉴定。
- However, it was decided to include a belt-fed light machine gun variant in the programme, instead of the automatic rifle, to replace the M249. 但是,项目进行过程中做出了引入一种用于取代M249的使用弹带的轻机枪从而替换掉自动步枪的决定。
- For the problem of the high sensitivity that the image of SAR target to target's pose,we analyzed the statistical trend in azimuth based on correlation algorithm. 针对SAR目标图像对于目标姿态的高度敏感性的问题,基于相关匹配算法详细研究了目标图像随着方位角变化的统计规律。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- The F model is regarded as the first true ‘multirole’ fighter and also the most capable variant in the J-8II family. F 型被认为是首款真正的“多用途”战斗机并且还是J-8II 系列中功能最强大的一个型号。
- Using gravity model, this paper tests the effect of the institution variant in China on Chinas attraction to FDI. 摘要本文运用引力模型检验了中国的制度变量作为区位优势对中国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)的影响。
- At least one Variant in the source array could not be cast down into the destination array type. 源数组中至少有一个变量未能向下转换到目标数组类型中。
- Objective To investigate the association of Gln 223 Arg variant in leptin receptor gene in hypertension patients with obesity. 目的研究武汉地区高血压合并肥胖与瘦素受体基因GIN223Arg变异的关系。
- SAR with Displaced Phase Centers multibeam in Azimuth (DPCA) can solve the confliction between swath width and resolution, but this mode is one Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) restriction. 方位向多相位中心多波束(DPCA)SAR可以解决测绘带宽和分辨率之间的矛盾,但严格限制了对脉冲重复频率(PRF)的选择。
- A short item used to fill space in a publication. 补白用来填补出版物中空白的短条目
- An antenna with proposed structure at Ku-band is designed. Measured results show that the proposed antenna can an input impedance bandwidth of 5.4% and axial ratio less than 2.8dB in azimuth plane. 设计并实测了一个工作于Ku波段的天线;实测的阻抗带宽达到5.;4%25;天线在方位面的圆极化轴比均小于2
- That is, those experimental drugs may treat wet AMD but raise the risk of dry AMD by turning off the protective gene variant in certain people. 这是,这些实验的药物可能治疗湿性AMD,但却通过关闭保护性基因的变异而提高干性AMD的风险。
- The U.S. made the first space shuttle in the world. 美国制造了世界上第一架航天飞机。
- Renault just unveiled the brand-new Clio in February and barely a month later it was out with the hotted-up Renaultsport (RS) variant in Geneva. 雷诺刚刚推出了全新的克里欧在2月和不到一个月后,它已经摆脱了hotted行动雷诺(遥感)变异在日内瓦举行。
- Due to the frequency selectivity, non-stationary and multipath effect of the ionosphere, it is difficult to measure the beam width of OTHR antenna in azimuth of this kind of radar. 摘要由于传输信道电离层存在频率选择性、非平稳性和多径效应,对天波超视距雷达的方位波束宽度性能进行测试存在着相当的困难。