- spacetime circlie 时空圆
- The arena of physics is spacetime. 物理学的活动舞台是空时。
- The delay should not be as long for spacetime atoms. 对于时空原子而言,这个迟来的正义应不远矣。
- The sun attracts Earth by warping the spacetime around it. 太阳就是扭曲其周围的时空,来吸引住地球。
- The Lorentz symmetry of spacetime forms the core of relativity. 时空的劳仑兹对称是构成相对论的核心。
- A global symmetry is one that holds at all points of spacetime. 全面对称性就是保持住时空内所有点的对称性。
- These spacetime distortions travel as gravitational waves. 这些时空的改变以引力波的形式传递。
- Spacetime must be somehow granular to tame the dubious infinite redshift. 时空必须要有某种颗粒性来驯服暧昧的无限红移。
- Lying dormant thus far in our view of the world is spacetime itself. 到现在为止,在我们的世界观中,空时本身“正在休眠”。
- Another way to evade a singularity could be the intrinsic nature of spacetime. 另一个避开奇异点的方式,就是从时空的内在本质著手。
- Thus, if holes can be thought of as computers, so can spacetime itself. 所以如果黑洞可被看做是电脑,那麽时空应该也可以。
- The notions of space and time merge into a single concept: spacetime. 于是,空间与时间的看法融合成单一概念:时空。
- The sinking of the trampoline represents how heavy objects curve spacetime. 蹦床的下陷描绘了大质量物体如何扭曲时空。
- Matter tells spacetime how to curve and spacetime tells matter how to move. 有人知道从哪里可以下到讲授广义相对论的上课视频吗?
- In the submicroscopic world, there is little prospect at present that curved spacetime will reveal itself. 目前在亚微观世界展现弯曲空时的希望不大。
- This world is also called for a quantum world, the spacetime is discrete, fluctuate, it is a very strange world. 又称作量子世界,当中的时空是断裂的,起伏不定,是一个可怕的世界。
- To visualize the effects of Lorentz violation, it is useful to think of spacetime as having an intrinsic orientation. 要将劳仑兹违逆的效应具象化,把时空想成是具有内禀方向的会有帮助。
- The crucial event in spacetime involves the destruction of one particle and the creation of three other. 空时中的重要事件包含着一个粒子的消灭和3个粒子的产生。
- Any massive body leaves an imprint on the shape of spacetime, governed by an equation Einstein formulated in 1915. 任何在时空形状上留下痕迹的具质量物体,都适用于爱因斯坦在1915年制定的一条方程式。
- It takes a very large mass or a great concentration of mass to produce much spacetime curvature. 我们得有非常大的质量或者很高的质量密度,才能产生很大的时空曲率。