- If the fee is substantial, you could be better off by putting your spare funds to another more cost-effective use. 如果费用相当,你把你会赚更多的剩余资金,又具成本效益。
- If you have some spare funds available, you might be tempted to clear your personal loan, as nearly all loan plans allow for full repayment before the term is over. 如果你有一些备用资金,你可能会受到诱惑清楚你个人贷款由于几乎所有的贷款计划允许前偿还全部任期届满。
- If you find that you don't have enough spare funds to make all your minimums, then contact your creditors and politely explain that you're experiencing financial difficulties and need help. 如果你觉得你没有足够的备用资金,使你最低然后婉言解释,债权人和你接触你遇到困难和需要帮助。
- She spends her spare time nursing her old mother. 她的业余时间都花在照顾她年老的母亲上。
- What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed. 每张床的尾端放有备用毛毯。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- We have enough fruit and to spare. 我们的水果充足有余。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- They want any money you can spare. 你有多少闲钱他们都要。
- I can spare you some, if you want, at cost. 你如果想要,我可按成本让给你一些。
- I can't spare him today we need everybody here. 我今天需要他--我们需要人人都到齐。
- I like reading novels in my spare time. 我喜欢闲暇时读小说。
- A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 抚恤死难工人家属的基金会即将建立起来。
- I like to play badminton in my spare time. 我喜欢在闲暇时打羽毛球。
- He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。