- spastic nystagmus 痉挛性眼球震颤
- Nystagmus blockage syndrome (Report of 3 cases). 眼球震颤阻滞综合征(附3例报告)
- Perverted nystagmus pointed to central abnormality. 而当引出倒错眼震时,则可能存在中枢异常。
- A study of congenital nystagmus on VEP and ERG. 先天性眼球震颤的视诱发电位与视网膜电图的研究
- Congenital nystagmus is frequently genetic. 先天性眼球震颤症通常是遗传性的。
- Four cases displayed abnormal nystagmus. 其中4例有异常眼振。
- Spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy. 痉挛性瘫痪是一种脑性瘫痪形式。
- DVD and nystagmus are found frequently accompanied by DHD. (3) 常伴有垂直分离和眼震。
- The effects of Nystagmus can also be reduced by drugs. 眼球震颤也可以通过药物来改善症状。
- So far it has not been understood what the causes of nystagmus are. 到目前为止,我们还不知道眼球震颤的原因是什么。
- Nystagmus, irregular rapid movement of the eyes back and forth. 眼球震颤、不规则的快速移动的眼睛来回.
- Objective:To investigate a way of idiopathic congenital nystagmus. 目的:探讨先天性特发性眼球震颤合并斜视的手术矫治方法。
- Myotonia of the extremities only causes spastic deformity of the hand or foot. 肢体末端的肌肉强直会导致手或脚的痉挛。
- He felt the quick, liquid, spastic lurching of the gun against his shoulder. 他感到枪托迅速,滑溜,痉挛地撞在自己的肩头上。
- Methods The gaits of 26 spastic diplegia cerebral palsy children were analyzed. 方法对26例痉挛型脑瘫患儿进行步态分析。
- For treatment of bunacles, scofula, pain in rheumatism, spastic muscles. 治痈肿,疔疮,瘰疬,痔疮,无名肿毒,癣疮,风湿痹痛,筋脉拘挛。
- The patients with spastic quadriplegia of CP have the most complication. 痉挛型四肢瘫合并症最多。
- Objective:To evaluate the clinical features of spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. 目的:探讨痉挛型双瘫的临床特征,为脑功能的全面康复提供基础资料。
- Primary progressive MS resembles tropical spastic paraplegia, a known STD. 最初的进展性MS类似局部痉挛性麻痹,一种已知的STD。
- Conclusion Differential sacral nerve anterior root rhizotomy is a good and effective method to treat spastic bladder after spinal cord injury. 结论选择性骶神经前根切断术治疗脊髓损伤后痉挛性膀胱的疗效显著。