- spatial data accessing engine 空间数据访问引擎
- General data access engine as an extension of ADO. 这是个通用数据访问引擎,是对ADO.
- General data access engine as an extension of ADO.NET. 这是个通用数据访问引擎,是对ADO.;NET的扩展。
- The authorization and access request rules and constraints of spatial region access control were defined, and the method of spatial data access control was described in detail. 给出了授权和访问请求判断的方法,建立了二维空间区域访问控制模型。
- This buffer strategy takes into account temporal locality and spatial locality of the spatial data access,which are considered by both LFU and LRU algorithm. 提出的缓存策略充分考虑了空间数据访问所具有的时间局部性和空间局部性,兼有LRU和LFU算法的优点。
- ArcSDE is a tool that allows you to store and manage spatial data in your chosen Relation DataBase Management System (RDBMS). ArcSDE geometry data access class library of C++ based on Microsoft . ArcSDE是空间数据库引擎,允许用户用关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)存储和管理空间数据。
- 2) Distributional spatial data access; 2)分布式空间数据访问;
- Data of SWEM include spatial data and table data. 水土保持监测数据根据数据格式划分,可分为空间数据和表格数据。
- Why are my Data Access components not showing? 为什么我的数据敏感控件没有显示?
- Represents the default data access method. 表示默认数据访问方法。
- Has no system data access or user data access. 没有系统数据访问或用户数据访问。
- Advanced Data Access with Microsoft? Visual Studio? 高级数据存取开发?
- As a banded control on a data access page). 作为数据访问页上的绑定控件)。
- What Is the MFC Data Access Programming Model? 什么是MFC数据库访问编程模型?
- A cache is typically used for quick data access. 缓存通常用于快速数据访问。
- Cumbersome data access and poor integration. 笨拙的数据访问和糟糕的集成。
- Method. Bitmap data access with the. 方法访问位图数据。
- Now you are ready to mail the data access page. 现在,准备发送数据访问页。
- The system can accomplish figure data management, attribute data management and spatial data analysis. 该系统是一个集图形数据管理、属性数据管理和空间数据分析为一体的管理信息系统。