- The spatial variations of pollutants were analyzed, and there was significant difference between the water quality of inta... 最后从土地利用方式、产业结构调整、经济政策调控、流域环境管理等方面初步构建了黄浦江上游水源地保护的战略方案.
- Based on the SST data, the temporal and spatial variations of SSTA in Western Pacific Warm Pool region have been analyzed in this paper by means of EOF. 本文通过对夏季热带西太平洋暖池区SSTA的EOF分析,发现夏季暖池区海温存在两种主要空间分布型,即SSTA的一致性分布和南北半球反对称分布。
- Seismic response analysis of a long-span cable-stayed bridge under random seismic excitations with spatial variations, including travelling effect, incoherence effect and local site effect, was made with stochastic method. 摘要以南京第二长江大桥南汉桥为例,采用随机振动分析方法研究了地震动的空间变化特性,包括行波效应、部分相干效应以及局部场地效应对大跨度斜拉桥地震响应的影响。
- Integrations of POC and chlorophyll a to 150m within transect of WE and SN revealed uniform spatial variations than expected, and POC in the upper water column mainly came from the detrital particulate materials. 断面WE和SN上的浮游植物现存量与颗粒有机碳现存量变化趋势完全一致。 上层水体中的颗粒有机碳主要来源于有机碎屑颗粒。
- From the spatial variations,with the "altitude effect" and rainout process during moisture transport along the Yarlung Zangbo River valley,18O of precipitation is gradually depleted. 本文分析了风、干湿沉降在城市内大气污染物清除过程中的作用,指出平均风速对大气质量起主导作用,但在清除污染物方面干湿沉降为主要过程。
- features of temporal and spatial variations 时空变化特征
- Fractal Interpolation Method for Spatial Variation Analysis on Seepage Water Level. 渗流水位空间变异性分析的分形估值方法。
- Spatial variation was quantified using a quadratic regression model and a variogram model. 空间变异系藉巾二次迴归模式及变异曲线谱模式而予数量化。
- Temporal and spatial variation of phytoplankton structure in the lake was studied. 摘要研究了武汉东湖浮游植物群落结构的时空变化。
- The mechanical parameters of rock and soil are of the property of spatial variation due to inhomogeneity, so they should be properly considered as a random field. 岩土类力学介质通常为非均质体,其力学参数具有空间变异性,宜将它们视为随机场加以研究。
- And then taking Nanmen arch bridge as an example f the importance of the spatial variation of seismic ground motion to long-span arch is investigated. 然后以四川宜宾金沙江南门大桥为例,研究了地震动空间变化对大跨度拱桥抗震安全的重要意义。
- Soil matric potential,leaf water potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation. 通过相关性分析得出土壤基质势,叶水势,大气水势三者在时间和空间上都有很大的差别。
- Soil matric potential, leaf water potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation. 通过相关性分析得出土壤基质势,叶水势,大气水势三者在时间和空间上都有很大的差别。
- According to the monitoring data of PM10 concentration from 2001 to 2005 in Taiyuan,the temporal and spatial variation features and the causes of PM10 were studied. 以2001~2005年太原市大气中PM10的监测数据为依据,分析了太原市PM10的时空分布特征及其成因。
- We present a methodology for computing daily pollutant concentration fields that reduces exposure uncertainty and bias by taking account of spatial variation in air quality. 我们呈现一个方法来计算每天污染物的浓度,以减少在考虑空气品质的空间变异性时,对于暴露的不确定性及偏差。
- The spatial variation of seismic ground motions is produced primaryly by the three factors of geometric incoherency effect,wave-passage effect, and local site effect. 导致地震动空间变异性的原因主要在于:几何不相关性效应、行波效应、局部场地条件效应。
- Closely related to the intraplate and surrounding tectonic settings, the spatial variation of the principal strain field of the PHIL is a reflection of the tectonic stress field. 菲律宾海板块主应变场的空间变化与板块内部及周围的构造背景密切相关,是构造应力场的反映。
- Heavy metal spatial variation in soils was studied in Shangyu City of Zhejiang Province with methods of geostatistics and global spatial autocorrelation. 从地质统计学和全域型空间自相关分析两种途径探讨浙江上虞市土壤重金属的空间变异情况。
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data suggest that the spatial variation of intensity is due to the absence of dislocations in the sidewall of the V-shape pit. 穿遂式电子显微术的影像解释了空间中强度的变化是由于V形凹洞的边缘具有较少的差排聚集。
- This spatial variation in population structure may be the result of variation in the patchiness of resources exploited by gallwasps,particularly host oak plants. 2)入侵地区的种群与该物种原产地的种群相比;遗传上的分化更为强烈.;这种种群结构在空间上的变异可能是被栎瘿蜂开发的资源尤其是栎树寄主在斑块上出现变异的反映