- special marine police units 海上特警部队
- Study on the cultivation of marine police unit's ability to handle emergencies 加强海警部队处置突发事件能力建设问题研究
- The Marine Police took delivery of three eight-metre and four nine-metrere placement inshore patrol craft and eight replacement fast-pursuit craft for the Small Boat Unit. 水警为小艇队更换了3艘8米长和4艘9米长的近岸巡逻警轮,以及8艘高速船。
- Himmler now turned to the auxiliary Schuma police units. 希姆莱转而利用舒马辅助单位。
- The designation of special marine reserves and marine sanctuaries shall be subject to the State Council for approval. 海洋特别保护区、海上自然保护区的确定,须经国务院批准。
- In this issue, we will look at the marine police suspected syndicated corruption case. 立法会选举舞弊案已于上期十月份刊物登出,今期再刊登水警集团贪污案。
- They helped other Police units maintain law and order at public gatherings,processions and demonstrations. 他们还协助其他警务单位于公众集会、游行和示威活动中维持治安。
- The commemoration here is taking place in the shadow of Thai marine police boat which was lifted up by the tsunami and dumped hundreds of metres inland. 纪念仪式在泰国海上警卫船附近举行的,该船曾被海啸冲起,并被推到数百米之遥的陆地上。
- Marine Police and Customs and Excise Department arrested 11 persons and seized $1 million worth of suspected smuggled fresh water turtles on board two fishing vessels off PO Toi. 水警及海关在蒲台岛对开海面两艘渔船上拘捕十一人,并检获约值一百万元的怀疑走私水鱼。
- Last weekend, more than eighty traffic police on highpowered bikes joined local police units to chase the racers. 上周末,80多名交通警察,骑着大马力摩托车,在当地警察单位的支援下追捕飙车手。
- The SARO is one of the toughest police units around and are notorious for their brutal, but efficient, methods. SARO是最强力的军队,不仅因极高效、手段,还因其残忍而著称。
- In March 1939, SS police units were at the forefront of the operation to occupy Prague and subjugate the rest of Czechoslovakia. 1939年3月,党卫队警察部队在占领布拉格时一马当先,并且占领了捷克斯洛伐克的其他地区。
- Malaysia Marine Police Commander Abdul Rahman Ahmad said Tuesday the police would use allavailable means to free the captives kidnapped by pirates from a Japanese tugboat in the Malacca Strait. 马来西亚警察总部水警司令阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼15日说,马水警已出动巡逻艇和直升机在马六甲海峡的马水域内展开行动,搜索营救被海盗绑架的3名日本籍和菲律宾籍人质。
- An American official said that one proposed plan was to give the Iraqi Army the lead role in domestic security, downgrading the role of police units. 一位美国官员说一个提议已送交伊拉克国内安全军队的领导人,建议缩小警察单位的角色。
- Marine Police continued to assist other departments in their efforts to enhance shark prevention measures,to protect Marine Parks,to curb pollution and to provide search and rescue services within and outside Hong Kong waters. 此外,水警继续协助其他部门,致力加强防鲨设施、保护海岸公园、防止污染问题,以及在香港水域内外提供搜索和拯救服务。
- Okay, audience friends, now we are going to start off. Please follow this patrolling police unit and enjoy the sights along the way. 那好吧,观众朋友们,我们现在就要出发了。您就跟着我们的巡逻队伍去看看沿途的风光吧。
- Marine Police continued to assist other departments in their efforts to enhance shark prevention measures, to protect Marine Parks, to curb pollution and to provide search and rescue services within and outside Hong Kong waters. 此外,水警继续协助其他部门,致力加强防鲨设施、保护海岸公园、防止污染问题,以及在香港水域内外提供搜索和拯救服务。
- A few moments later, a police unit showed up and the woman could be heard in the background, apparently pointing out people to the officers. 几分钟后,一名警察部队,显示了,而女人也可听到的背景下,显然,指出人的警员。
- Jiejing, a police unit patrolling the rapid mobilization of all city street patrol group, Bingfen four-way at the location to the assembly, searching for criminal suspects. 接警后,巡逻警察一大队迅速调集城区街面所有巡逻车组,兵分四路向案发地点集结,搜捕犯罪嫌疑人。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。