- God waited for a special moment to create her. 神等到一个特殊的时刻才创造女人。
- Enjoy a special moment with the ACAF! 享受生命特殊的时光与亚洲艺术博览会同在!
- This is a special moment that I've dreaded. 现在是我一直害怕的特殊时刻。
- Like Odysseus, we felt at some special moment that we were home. 就好像奥德赛一样,我们在一些特别的片刻感到我们回到了家。
- Now the special moment that we have been waiting for. 现在,我们一直等待的特殊的时刻就要到了。
- Tiago Monteiro: Yeah, well, obviously very special moment for us. 提戈亚-蒙泰罗:是的,对我们而言无疑是非常特别的瞬间。
- May all the wishes for you at this special moment of chinese spring festival! 祝大家新年万象更新,更上层楼!
- EVAI don't believe this ANTHONY. This is the most special moment of my life. 我简直无法相信这个,安东尼。这是我人一生最特殊的时刻。
- Start a love journal and record your special moments. 制作一本爱情杂志,记录特别的时刻。
- Brighten life's everyday and special moments with Cadbury Roses. 吉百利玫瑰巧克力燃亮每日的生活及人生中的每个特别时刻。
- The night before the conference seemed to be unusually long, but the special moment finally arrived! 对我们来说,视讯会议的前一晚似乎显得格外地漫长。
- May your mid-autumn festival be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness! Wishing you all the joys! 中秋临近,祝中秋快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!
- A special moment for him not at Juventus was a match between Uruguay and Brazil which ended 1-1. 一个特别的时候,不是在尤文图斯经历的,是乌拉圭和巴西的一场比赛,以1:1平局收场。
- Happy Birthday DamianI am so glad to share this special moment with you even we are miles apart. 在这里,我祝愿松哥越来越帅,影视事业齐头并进。同时,也祝愿松哥能拿到几个影视奖项。
- Therefore it is particularly touching to see little kids enjoying a very special moment with their daddies. 所以见到孩子与父亲有很亲密又特别的一刻回忆时,我会较容易被感动。
- It was so fitting that the boys made you lift the F.A Cup last season - a very special moment indeed for us all. 我感觉前年足总杯里让你举起奖杯是如此的恰如其分,这对我们所有人来说,这是个特殊时刻。
- And having three refuges and five precepts by the Grand Master was a very special moment. 得遇老和尚亲自传授三皈五戒,更是殊胜难得的时刻。
- Jermaine Pennant said he was absolutely delighted to score his first goal for Liverpool in the 2-0 win over Chelsea and called it a special moment. 杰梅因·彭南特说他异常兴奋,在2:0击败切尔西的比赛中他打进了自己加盟利物浦后的首粒入球,并称之为特殊时刻。
- A special moment for Jurgen Melzer -- the chance to secure his first career victory on home soil in front of a partisan crowd. 对梅尔泽来说,这是一个绝佳的机会,在他职业生涯中第一次在家门口赢得一个红土场地上的冠军。
- TOPKING enters into the LED lighting and illumination industry with more than ten years experience, in this special moment. 在这个历史时刻,泰景携带着十年灯饰行业的经验,进入LED灯饰照明领域。