- A special note to our neighbors. 以下是对于我们的邻居的特殊关注。
- Perhaps the contingency approach emphasizes some elements that are worth special note. 或许权变学派强调的某些观点值得特别注意。
- A special note of interest here is the settings for the ConstrainedSHMSizeMB variable. 此处值得一提的是ConstrainedSHMSizeMB变量的设置。
- Special note: The dark grey shaded area on this graph is a duplication of symbols from the graph on page 6. 特殊注解:此图中暗灰色阴影区域是第6页的图中的符号的复制。
- Special Note: Creatures with more than one head, such as a hydra, usually possess the psionic powers of just one creature, not many. 特别注意:有一个以上头部的生物,比如多头蛇蜥,一般只按一个生物来获取心灵异能,而不是多个生物。
- Special Note: to join Taylor's new official fan club, the “Yodel Patrol,” please use the form on our Fan Club page . 特别备注:参加泰勒的新官方歌迷俱乐部;"yodel巡逻;"请用我们的形式歌迷俱乐部一页.;Please do *not* include bank or other financial details
- Special Note: First National Bank builds on the previous three sessions and you should review the terms and concepts from those sessions. 特别说明:第一国家银行是建立在之前的3个章节的,你应该回顾这些章节中的术语和概念。
- If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. 若有人不听从我们这信上的话,要记下他,不和他交往,叫他自觉羞愧。
- Of special note is the center action button, which also works as a tiny touchpad in many applications while you drag your fingertip around on it. 如今,爸爸在遥远的地方忙碌,我在学校奋斗,两个“孩子”都不在她的身边。可是,还有好多事情需要做,于是妈妈扛起了连线机破/解这所有的一切。
- Of special note are tracks 2, 7 and 11, which enhance the melodic and rhythmic depth along this mostly smooth-flowing musical journey. 第2、7、11首曲子很有特色,加强了旋律及节奏的深度,铸就了如此平静流淌的音乐之旅。
- In the annual meeting, Cosco its real estate development and operating in Beijing for a comprehensive display of 11 projects, and organized 10 special note PFI market customers. 在年会上,中远房地产对其在京开发及经营的11个项目进行了全面展示,组织了10场客户联谊会及专场说明活动。
- SPECIAL NOTE: Jim Engh was a valued member of the production crew; he sadly died after being electrocuted while filming for this episode on a scaffold tower. (特别说明:吉姆英治是非常重要的一位制作人员;在拍摄这集的时候,他不幸在脚手架上触电身亡。
- A special note with regards to those who live in the Pacific Northwest: salmon and trout can carry the rickettsia organism responsible for salmon poisoning. 对那些住在西北太平洋的人,有一件需要注意的事情:大马哈鱼和鲑鱼身上可能带有病菌。
- Special note: no promise of appointment with chief specialist at any time. Some timetable need to be confirmed after conferring with them. please be understanding . 特别提示:不承诺随时预约到首席专家,部分时间段需商议约定,请谅解。
- Important: The site does not contain all the ticket prices of fuel surcharges and airport construction fees, and taxes and fees, with the exception of special note!! 重要提示:本站所有机票价格不含燃油附加费和机场建设费,及税费,有特殊说明除外!!
- Special notes augment the material you read in each chapter. These notes clarify concepts and procedures. 特殊的注意增大了您每章的阅读量。这些提示阐述的是概念和途径。
- Specifying notification_message is useful for adding special notes such as remedial procedures. 指定notification_message对于添加特殊说明(如补救过程)十分有用。
- As a garden architect he was specially noted for his treatment of water. 作为一名园艺设计师,他对水系设计方面特别有名。
- Special Note: This product can only partially stop bleeding, if it is Partial hemorrhage caused by coagulation disorder , alternative hematischesis drugs should be uesed in the entire body . 注意事项:本品仅有局部止血作用,如为凝血障碍引起的局部出血,应同时全身使用相应的替代药物,或其他止血药物。