- Special part number could be customizing. 可根据客户要求定做特殊规格。
- There are special part for project replication in 2006 year budget. 学校2006年度预算安排中有适合推广工作需求的的项目专项预算经费。
- Every one of us will play a special part in the world. 我们每个人在世界上都扮演着独一无二的角色,都起到了特殊的作用。
- Special part in metallurgy,chemical,glass,ceramic industries,etc. 冶金、化工、玻璃、陶瓷等工业窑炉的特殊部位。
- Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life. 祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。
- I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being a special part of my life. 我爱你无比赤诚,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。
- Connection - Let everyone know the special part they play in the success of the company and the customers'lives. 关联-让每个人都知道他们的工作对于企业的成功和客户的满意的重要意义和贡献。
- Special parts for cemented carbide multi-stage progressive dies. 专用于高速连续级进模具的硬质合金凸凹模配件。
- But its most special part is not the structure itself, but the image of Pan Gu enshrined in the top part. 不过它最特别的地方还不在于建筑本身,而是上面供奉的盘古造像。
- Pork Special uses special part of pork that soft and tasty, served with seasoned sesame oil. 特色猪肉选用猪只的特别部位,肉质柔软美味,还加了一点芝麻油调味。
- For example, the language of the surrounding Haidian district Wudaokou is a very special part. 比如,海淀区五道口的语言学院周边便是一个极为特殊的局部。
- Russian Orthodox Church inherits and develops this Byzantine heritage and makes it the most special part of Russian culture. 俄罗斯东正教会继承发展了这一传统,并使之成为俄罗斯文化中极富特色的组成部分。
- Results: The endometriosis mainly in special part include the cut wounds of vaginal labor or cesarean section and injured vulva, vaginal or cervix. 结果:阴道分娩侧切、剖宫术切口及阴道、外阴、宫颈损伤后形成的子宫内膜异位病灶多为子宫内膜种植所致。
- The system provides a function of adjusting contrast and brightness of ROI,which is a special part selected by user from a dentistical X-ray image. 针对用户的感兴趣区域(ROI),实现放大镜功能,并调整感兴趣区域的亮度、对比度。
- Howerever restrictive election played an special part in the democratical progression in the particular historical period. 然而限制性选举却在特定历史时期的民主进程中发挥了特殊的作用。
- Clowns are a very special part of the circus.They look funny with their big red noses, painted faces and clothes that are much too large for them. 小丑在马戏团里是很受欢迎的一部份,他们大的红鼻子,画的夸张的脸还有比本人着装要大上许多的衣服,这样看起来非常的有趣。
- They are in a special part of the police department called the k-9 Corps.K-9 is pronounced the same as canine,which is an adjective that refers to dogs. 这些狗组成警察局的特殊部队,亦称为K-9组。K-9(的英语)发音如同犬,是意指狗的词。
- The T97 will additionally reduce costs and time to market by eliminating the need for customer drawings, source control drawings, or special part numbers. 此外,通过消除对客户制图、电源控制制图或特殊部件编号的需求,T97还将降低成本以及缩短上市时间。
- The national journalism capital in the near modern times was an important and special part in the economic system of capitalistic China in near modem times. 摘要近代民族报业资本是近代中国资本主义经济体系中重要而特殊的一部分。
- SHEN Cong-wen's time consciousness is coordinative and interactive with his death consciousness as well as being important and special part of his "vitality philosophy". 摘要沈从文的时间意识与死亡意识相生相成,构成沈从文“生命哲学”的重要而又特殊的组成部分。