- special special tribunal [法] 特别法庭, 专门法庭
- The government says a special tribunal is to be formed to prosecute those who carried out the massacre. 孟加拉国政府表示,即将成立一个特别法庭,起诉那些进行大屠杀的人。
- When Slobodan Milosevic was put on trial for war crimes at a special tribunal at The Hague, one motive was to show that heads of state could not shelter behind claims of impunity. 当斯洛博丹?米洛舍维奇以战争罪被送往海牙接受审判时,人们还希望借此宣布,国家元首(犯了战争罪)也没有豁免权。
- Radovan Karadzic is one of the three most important Serbian suspects indicted for war crimes by the special tribunal in The Hague. 卡拉季奇是三名最重要的塞尔维亚嫌犯之一,他们被海牙特别法庭指控犯下战争罪。
- It said the leaked brief is entitled "The Iraqi Special Tribunal as Victors' Justice -- the Inherent Illegality and Bias of the Whole Process. 据杜莱米称,萨达姆的牢房有3米宽5米长。萨达姆在狱中对外界情况一无所知,伊拉克大选的消息也是杜莱米告诉他的。
- The use of secret evidence in court dates back to the creation of a special tribunal in 1997 to handle appeals by people who were being deported for national-security reasons. 在法庭上使用秘密证据可以追溯到1997年,为处理那些因国家安全的原因被驱逐的人们上诉事宜而创立的特殊法庭。
- Iraqi guards handle the shackles on Saddam Hussein (C) during the day of his Iraqi special tribunal hearing in this July 1, 2004 file photo, released on July 2, 2004. 这张公布于2004年7月2日的照片显示的是伊拉克警卫在1日伊拉克特别法庭听证会上为萨达姆取下脚镣。
- Another special tribunal in The Hague set up by the UN to try people suspected of killing Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri formally got going. 另外一个设在海牙的特别法庭也正式开始启动了。这个法庭是由联合国为审理黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克?哈里里遇刺案件而设立的。
- The purpose of the special tribunal investigating the Rwanda genocide is not only to bring the guilty to justice but also to bring reconciliation to a society that was split asunder. 而当特别法庭调查卢旺达种族屠杀时,审判罪犯也不是唯一目的,人们还希望能够让一个分崩离析的社会有机会迎来和解。
- The Iraqi Special Tribunal had only Iraqi judges, though they had access to international advisers and the court's rules were modelled on those used in UN tribunals. 现在的伊拉克特别法庭,有国际顾问,法庭规则也参照联合国法庭模式,但法官都是本地人。
- And the actual needs of the user can design and manufacture of specialized special style radiator. 并可按用户的实际需求专门设计制造各种特殊款式的散热器。
- This curriculum is the Non-profit organization manages the undergraduate course specialized specialized required course. 课程主要内容:本课程是公共事业管理本科专业的专业必修课。
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- The chiffonier in that shop looks special. 那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。
- It requested assistance in fighting counterfeiting, in introducing intellectual property into the University syllabus, and in the creation of specialized tribunals. 它请求WIPO在打击假冒活动、将知识产权引入大学教学大纲以及设立专门法庭方面给予援助。
- The medicine has a special bitterness. 这种药有一种特殊的苦味。
- I came at your (special) request. 我是(特别)应你要求而来的。
- These rare tigers are protected by special laws. 这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。