- Yoghurt has become popular because of its special taste. 酸乳因其味道独特而受人喜爱。
- I ate some fresh coconut kernel yesterday, it had a special taste. 昨天我吃了新鲜的椰肉,味道很特别呢。
- Sausages in Canton style are of high quality and with special taste. 广式香肠,口味独特,质量上乘。
- High-quality food with special taste is always fashionaBle throughout the market. 口味独特,质量上乘的食品,总是风靡市
- Smoke taste. The special taste of some wines, usually somewhat harsh and recalling that of smoke. 烟味、烟熏味:一些葡萄酒所具有的特殊味道,通常有些粗糙,令人联想起烟尘。
- Earthy taste. Special taste resulting from the type of soil on which the grapes were grown. 泥土味:由栽培葡萄的土壤类型所赋予葡萄酒的特殊口味。
- Interpretation: Carefully served, special taste, in particular when coated with sauce! 特点:精心烹制,口感特别,蘸汁更绝味,不可不试!
- This sesame paste improves your Breakfast By its special taste and proper calorie value. 本芝麻糊以独特的口味,恰当的热量,为您的早餐增色。
- Guilin rice noodles are known for world light repasts, with its special taste but be known for. 桂林米粉是闻名中外的小吃,以它独特的风味而闻名。
- Xizhuyuan is the largest Buddhist convent in Wuzhou. Its vegetarian foods are special taste to like of visitors. 梧州现存最大的佛教圣地。素食苑风味独特,众多中外游客慕名而至。
- Environmentalist has special taste on material that's able to degrade naturally. 环保分子特别喜爱能够自然分解的材料。
- Donglaishun's "Mutton Hotpot" has a long standing history and is loved by many for its special taste. 东来顺的“涮羊肉”历史悠久,风味独特,深受群众喜爱。
- Donglaishun's "Mutton Hotpot" has a long standing history and is loved by many people for its special taste. 东来顺的“涮羊肉”历史悠久,风味独特,深受群众喜爱。
- Special craft and craft characteristics educated the special taste in traditional high - quality condiment with the quality. 特殊的工艺及工艺特性造就了传统优质调味品独特的风味和品质。
- Liang Shiqiu's proses have with special taste embodied "understanding life,discovering humanness" from quotidian livings and ordinary phenomena. 梁实秋的散文善于从司空见惯的生活百态、日常现象出发,以独特的眼光“了解人生,发掘人性。”
- "Interest" has two meanings.One is artists' taste purport, and the other is a certain special taste palate in works of art. 它有两种意义:一是指艺术家的审美旨趣,二是指艺术作品的某种特殊的审美趣味,两者关系密切;
- Customers can enjoy the special taste of Beijing Roast Duck by covering the slices with sweet sauce jam and green-onion shreds on a soft flatbread. 一般是将烤鸭切成片状,配以甜面酱、葱白和黄瓜条,并用特制的薄饼卷着吃;
- You do not? There is no reason why people do not enjoy flying light moment, and air in this peaceful quiet special Taste. 你是不是也这样?人也没有理由不去享受微雨飘扬的时刻,和空气中这种祥和宁静的特别的味道。
- Configuration feature: Constant green undershrub, individual plant is as high as 1 meter, entire individual plant has powerful and special taste. 形态特征: 常绿小灌木,株高达1米,全株有浓烈非凡气味。
- Bubbling milk wine is in possession of the characteristics of soured milk, beer and soda beverage and has abundant nutrition and special taste. 起泡奶酒兼具酸奶、啤酒和碳酸饮料的风味,营养丰富,外观呈均匀的乳白色,泡沫较细,酸甜适口,爽而不腻,风味独特;