- This is a special product of Qingdao. 这是青岛特产。
- Coral, a special product of Hawaii. 珊瑚,夏威夷的特产。
- Red bayberry is my hometown's special product. 杨梅是我的家乡特产。
- This is a special product of China. 此乃我国特产。
- Batik is a special product of Bali, made by hand. 图2:蜡染布是峇里的特产,以手工制造。
- Special product for applications that involve critical fluids. 我们也有特殊的产品来应对涉及临界流体的应用。
- Renminbi (RMB) is a special product, its quality to the country's reputation. 人民币是一种特殊产品,它的质量关系到国家的名誉。
- Special products for automa- tion applications. 自动化应用的特殊产品。
- They have a specialized product line. 他们拥有一条专用生产线。
- The first special product of nurturing bone in China, from Xining to globe, let earthman nurture bone crazily. 中国第一个养骨产品,开始辐射全球,让地球人疯狂养骨。
- What you need is special product, the oder plan is at the end of the year or early of the year. 您所要的是特殊产品,订单的计划是每年年底或年初先下好的。
- Secondly, using special products for anti-forged invoices. 二是采用发票防伪专用品。
- Special products can also be produced upon agreement. 超出以上规格、材质的产品可协议生产。
- Since VCD/ DVD is special product, customer can't return after the box is opened. 因为VCD/vd是特殊产品,当您打开原包装后不能退货。
- The need for specialized products will grow. 对特殊产品的需求在增长。
- Since VCD/DVD is special product, customer cannot return after the box is opened. 因为VCD/dvd是特殊产品,当您打开原包装后不能退货。
- By this delicacy, with our special product series, we provide cleanliness, comfort and grace to your leisure space. 借着这份精致,我们用我们特有的产品系列,为您的休闲空间带来一份清新、舒适和典雅。
- The nub with thin and curved surface is an important part used for a special product. 某产品上用的一重要零件为薄壁曲面类零件,实际生产中主要采用机械加工制作,工序多,时间长,并浪费原材料。
- In my homeland there is a special product called "whitebait", they live in freshwater lakes in. 在我的家乡有一种特产叫做“银鱼”,它们生活在淡水湖中。
- NO RUG is a special product from the professional Faber range formulated to remove iron oxide from stones. NO RUG是一种强力清洁剂,专门清除受氧化及发锈之花岗岩、花岗岩制品及由沙石组成的建筑材料,如磁砖或抛光砖等。