- The strange thing is: even seasoned Klinsmann-bashers found it very hard to place any specific blame at his feet after this freakish match. 奇怪的是,在这场反常的比赛之后,甚至连有丰富攻击克林斯曼经验的人也很难进行某项专门的指责。
- All blame for the accident must attach to myself. 事故的一切责任应由本人承担。
- The driver was not to blame for the accident. 这次事故怪不着司机。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- You are not wholly to blame for the accident. 你不应承担事故的全部责任。
- Not only you but (also) I am to blame. 不仅你,连我都要受责难。
- You two have only yourselves to blame. 你们俩只能怪自己。
- He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude. 他态度顽固而招致许多责难。
- He was only partially to blame for the accident. 他对事故只应负部分责任。
- He gave us very specific instructions. 他给我们做了非常明确的指示。
- Don't try and fasten the blame on me. 别想把过错推到我头上。
- Both officials specifically blamed U.S.-based Uighur exile Rebiya Kadeer for masterminding Sunday's rioting that left at least 156 people dead. 栗智和秦刚都都明确指责目前流亡在美国的维吾尔人热比娅策划了星期天的骚乱;这次骚乱造成至少156人死亡。
- Don't blame on him, after all, he is a green hand. 不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。
- There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。
- We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你。
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- Only a cobbler would blame his tools. 只有笨拙的工匠才会挑剔自己的工具。
- He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。
- He is not wholly to blame for the accident. 这次事故不能全怪他。
- He held fire on specific foreign policy question. 他对具体的外交政策暂不表态。